Devarsi - Sanctuary Arc User


  • nirvana takes whatever sockets your original weapon had and yea .. the only thing really different about the g15s is the look.. they both have the same chances for the same addons.. all depends on your luck i saw a pair of g15 axes with magic +19 haha .. just gotta keep recasting until you get good addons and saving 20…
  • To go from tt100 to g15 you need 230 raptures (saves you 20 raptures over going from tt99) pwdatabase is your friend for the weapon stats and addons .. it isn't reliable on refine amounts but everything else seems pretty accurate
  • uh well since cascade glow is from lunar gold armor.. why would i need to make tt99 gold? there are 2 sets of nirvana armor.. just like there are 2 sets of nirvana weapons.. one from lunar gold .. one from tt99 gold.. cascade glow is the lunar version of nirvana
  • Hmm after doing a quick check on ecatomb it seems like I was wrong about it not saying anything about crit in demon description.. so I am not quite sure why it says 80% but I do know the sage bonus is being counted in shapeshift ... it is probably just some oddity that was created in translation or something along those…
  • Those values shown in blue in the main description are not your actual multipliers .. Those are the base values for level 11 (sage/demon version) of the skill .. IE both sage and demon version of shapeshift gets an 80% increase in pdef .. however the text down below is the special modifier for it being sage or demon.. so…
  • haha ayano you still play? I thought you had given up on PW a long time ago
  • Yea .. as I said it will take ages.. I don't cash shop beyond casually (a cool mount here or there.. maybe some fashion) but it gives me a reason to keep playing past 100 only reason I am not planning on getting full tt99 is because I don't wanna refarm tt90 and I am not decomposing the tt90 +6 that I already own ... so I…
  • I did not do the math on axe and hammer mastery .. but I did do it on sage shapeshift (which i learned at 98.. before my 99 culti) and it worked out properly.. I am assuming there is something in their code that does not figure in other factors .. like for weapons it might be just base weapon damage and not include any…
  • Shapeshift is an 89 .. and i've learned true form, shapeshift, axe mastery and more.. and they go in effect as soon as you learn them.. it is not based on your level.. you just have to be able to learn it .. after sage shapeshift i went from 11k pdef unbuffed to 14k pdef unbuffed in tiger ... i can't remember what my axe…
  • If you look at the base pdef and mdef of cascade glow as compared to lionheart nirvana .. it is way higher .. I believe that is why the 4% bonuses exist.. now I have not been able to acquire either because I'm very poor atm .. but I believe that cascade glow is pretty much on par with lionheart (although the boots make me…
  • have gms acknowledged this issue at all or are they ignoring it? i sat for an hour frozen with 100% timer on my screen and kept sendiing the i'm stuck message and a GM never appeared ... its really frustrating and i can barely play anymore
  • even with TT.. the prices are dropping really fast.. its not a big money maker.. you can play the market.. you can grind.. you can TT.. you can do rebirth quests... all of it makes money.. just nothing at that fast a pace i made all my money off rebirth quests.. but that was when tome frags were 400k a piece.. now they are…
  • your friend is just lazy and a beggar... barbs don't make money as easily.. but he can grind just as easily.. he just won't make money as fast as you.. it will still be making money ... his best bet is entirely physical mobs of earth element typing (because of poison fang) .. i don't remember if there are any around those…
  • i'd settle with some bug fixes .. we don't need more features when there are ones in game not working properly
  • Dvorak how dare you steal my b:cute face.. only i'm allowed to be cuddly in this thread b:angry Edit: Also .. shouldn't you be doing work stuffs and not like reading forums? b:pleased
  • hey guys wear TT90 light armor... thats tight fit and shows their belly.. haha (also looks awfully dumb in my opinon) and what are you talking about girls being forced to be in skimpy clothing.. there are plenty of fashions that aren't skimpy.. of course you have the bikini and the duke rose and that new sunshine set or…
  • yea sanctuary has only been down twice this week .. both for maintenances.. and the only other time it goes down is for regular weekly maint
  • noggin people have suggested stuff like this forever... wanting lions to turn into lions and such .. i highly doubt it will happen .. its a free game and there is actually a good amount customization for every class besides barbs haha
  • pfft i meant tiger as in tiger form .. not humanoid >.< nit picker
  • i blame nay for referencing god awful music
  • nope.. all the tigers look the same
  • I maxed sunder.. left perdition at level 1.. but I am a carebear.. my issue with perdition is that even maxed.. unless you get a crit/zerk or you are killing lowbies.. perdition isn't a 1 hit for anyone that isn't arcane .. sunder is very useful.. not just for grinding but for rebirth order quests.. which are terrific exp…
  • there is a BM on sanctuary with all like +8 gear that has like.. 11k hp buffed i think.. i can't recall his name
  • gonna have to agree with dan on this one... i know that CQ on Lost City had more 90s than nefarious at the time of their taking 1k and arch ... no idea about radiance on HT but the level difference wasn't huge .. and the people on sanctuary are catching up quite nicely.. it shouldn't be long until it is possible to take a…
  • "i think you success" thats just silly.. fail is a verb.. it is something that can be done .. success is a noun.. you are comparing two different parts of speech .. so no.. i don't see where you are coming from failure would be comparable to success.. since they are both nouns.. succeed would be the antonym to fail and yes…
  • haha it all depends on what you find fun... barbs are good tanks.. don't deal huge damage.. take a big beating.. don't level the fastest by far... can get expensive with repairs.. they look cool =P best bet is to try one to level 20 or 30 and decide if you like it
  • sylvae .. thats for a level 3 territory o.O he asked for level 2 or level 1 guide.. which i don't think there are many out there.. atleast not from PWI .. these are CN and MY guides out there but i dunno how to translate em also dunno how you plan on taking a level 2 or 1 unless you are on dreamweaver/harshlands server ..…
  • awww don't hate an entire faction based on one member.. you should base it on atleast 3 people because clearly 3 people is enough to judge 200 but no hates me b:sad also.. no more steel left to hate.. aren't they disbanding?
  • from what i heard refining transfer only works on weapons of equal or lesser level .. so refining your lvl 1 weapon to +12 and then transferring it to your level 99 wouldn't work
  • no its 1 each time.. 2 total if you want to open every box from 5-80