DestinyKane - Sanctuary Arc User


  • This game used to be fun, 2 year ago. When friends were friends, and it wasn't about speed and money - it was about skill. People went out to kill bosses for fun. If you said the word "FB" in any sort of context you had mass people speaking up wanting to go. If you said you needed a boss killed it was the work of a moment…
  • Isn't that always the case? People always gotta hate on something just because it isn't the 'norm'. "Rez plz! Rez NOW!" "Just so you can steal aggro, not survive it, hit the floor again in 2 shots, and then cry and beg again? Lol, no. You'll wait till we're done, thanks. :) "
  • Who do I appreciate.... lets see. Alec of course, for always being there for me and taking the beatings while I stood safely in the back and just had to heal. Also for offering up advice and words of encouragement to keep going on my Cleric and not to give up on my BM. Also for being the first person I always turned to to…
  • b:question Why was this even brought up? I mean, this fight happened sometime last year. Is it honestly that big of a deal? Why continue to worry about it? It was one duel compared to how many that have happened now?