idk, psy or archer :(. i think it is wizard. but yeah. its tough for dds :( it is because the game is not balanced i vote archer, maybe it is me, but people always kick me on my old archer T_T
and how the fap you do you refine, i bet it is something for cash shopper archers to be good in tanking, so you might of prove my point bish. and you have killed me before, you are a cleric at 90+ you can't kill me now because i don't walk around outside until level 90, wait till i get you back and fap you with demon spark
nobody say archer q.q... damn you bms, sins, wiz and psys! Q,Q
attack level gems? omg i love attack level gems... how do i get them...? i probably can not afford it :(
wtf is refine? pve server have skill? why are you not there? gtfo my server... have fun not smacking a pillar for chi when you are in bh or not being able to pk no balls? you calling me a girl? f u i am staying dd... i have too much on repairing and can't even afford pots... tanking... nty
i guess its because it is pve servers have it easier with pve i guess, do you even get chi there? how can you attack pillars for chi with blue names in bhs???? -.- and i came back on the forums because i am lonely :( i have no friends anywhere ingame of pw or another game... why me? i don't want to play pw now... just…
archers tanking in tt must be insane or just cash shopper :( i never seen no non cash shop archer tank any tt... and hell sure i cannot tank anything, i'm way too squishy to even take one hit... more fragile than wizard
Ok... I think I will stop posting and play the fps multiplayer I just found from now on :/ goodbye crool world Q.Q I'm not going through losing gear ever again. Hopefully I won't get killed easy again
You hate me? :(... Why me? T_T I have no idea what name that is you are talking about... but it gets really boring, I play the game I play. But ugh, it gets boring because no one really pvp unless they have shiny weapons T_T... Being an archer in pvp especially in that game is hard. Warriors on that game stun is so…
I got top archer for the funniest? o.o well yay I found something. But, I don't really play this game anymore... It is because it is too difficult... Maybe I'll play during summer and hope that I reach demon again, it is 28 more levels. I play a game that is not to complicated, and he's an str archer, dex don't do damage…
cool :) I think I lightened up more
Fap you, I don't need **** from you. fap you. I need to lvl more ... tyvm, I will pm you when I get on. Also someone helped me with taurox snipers too, so I am done with that
I think I will get a zeal this time, for pulling tyvm for the first posters
Oracles suck, I don't know why people say oracles are easy... wicked pirates used to 2-3 shot me... not even clerics heals can help me out T_T. I don't want to go back to them ever again T_T
But that is a girl's game :( I hate cats too... they scare me after I tried to bully one in real life T_T... Them little fappers scratch me T_T
I agree, I am tired of losing items in pvp. I get owned many times, why do I have to lose my items? I would of restated my old archer instead of restarting if this did not happen -.-
Assassins stole our spot light from crits... and they are better at crit than archers T_T... And they stealth Wizards just kill me in 2-3 shots without the dragon -.- Venoes don't even need a herc or a nix, they are op even with a damn bear. Barbs are extremely hopeless We archers just have crit... T_T hopeless against bms…
tideborn quest, saved 210k for it, too bad it is not repeatable :(
I have my limits thanks to my parents... on top of that I only have time for bhs and cs =/... my parents don't know about the forums lol
what will i do if the forums burned ? :/ I won't be able to complain ever again and just leave it inside... it does not feel good to keep things by yourself.... but sorry to the mods are mad at me T_T
-.-..................... W T F I S T H I S
I do not have friends on friendlist... well i have faction members at least. Better than before I made this char I almost never made friends or accepted from faction
it is kinda not the same playing by yourself most of the time =/...
I have... 572 rep... what the hell? Q.Q and linkmas, never mind about the 89 archer i had -.-... that account is terminated anyways :(
like it takes skill playing overpowered classes either... your a fapping veno
Just you guys wait -.-, when I reach level 89 again, you guys will be stupider than yulk -.-! Better yet, endgame! I will go back to demon archer ... I will!!
Well F u carebears, comparing me to a low leveled carebear, your just like him -.-, go to your pve servers, i don't care.
i rather forget about rep then... i don't play more than 1-2 hours a day T_T
Yeah, killing lower levels do not count -.-... so sure.... lets not count all the opposite gender of characters either because that is very noobish lets not kill faction members or people on friendlist, that is wrong lets not kill the same race or the same class isn't that what pve servers are for? -.- you carebears don't…
ofc i pvp -.-, i just happen to die a lot. You know how much times archer die. I want to skip these stupid levels and get to 90 asap so I can do better in pvp