After coming back from the first crash I found the Lovebird dress I had just bought and dyed gone. I do not have the gold back for it either. b:cry In one dye attempt it went from blood/rust Red to a very light almost white grey. It is still not back after this shut down.
just now it went down again for a minor fix. should be back up in a few minutes. they announced the shut down and I logged hopin not to loose anymore.
lol I want my White Lovebird.
it maybe back up BUT I have lost fashion I just bought and dyed before the server crash and I don't have the gold back for it either.
LOL believe me I agree with that. I have alot of toons and one of my parters and I go to a lot of touble to make our couples outfits matched when we logged on and saw they no longer did everyone on vent took off their headphones LOL. It was just nice to see her face right for a bit. I am very happy the fashion is fixed.…
Granted I did not care for the fashion mess up because of all I spent to get it the color I wanted, BUT I did like finally being about to see my Tideborn one color. Now the fashion is fixed (thank you) and my Tideborn is back to white faced b:cry will I ever get to see her how she is suppose to be again.