LOL 1,43 attack PER second means u hit EVERY 0.69 sec... for lower IQs: HIT (0.69 sec) HIT (0.69 sec) and so on..... so if u cut this :pause beetweent hits (interval) by -0,45 means (0.69-0.45=0,24 sec) that gives 4 attack per second... Viola
Well ppls spended alot of money to get all those 5APS gears so nerfing back to 3,33 well not fair with all those ppls that started alts just to have 5 aps... so killing 3 spark (wich will affect other classes aswell that uses chi pots...) is bad idea,,,, since charm is allready done they need to keep 5 APS cap... but…
1st idea Make Phy immune boss in Nirvana. 2nd make myst tome frags tradable for uncanies ( since u kinda need rainbow sqd in there... i mean Rebirth ), or basically better drops in Rebirth (so ppl can learn how to play their classes), u made rebirth BIG important part of game, i mean culti i mean RB, i mean chrono quest…
Well said :D
Check description again... LVL 10 DB says its 12m range ... so diameter = 12 m. Etacomb description says radius 6m, and that means 2x6m for diameter... so kinda still 12 :D
so archers cant hit 7/sec with fists ?? use calculator if cant do math properly
well archers can have -int chest
WORST thing that even BARB can go x2 ( or more) wizard dmg with good interval and fists.... imagine that archer can go 7 PER SEC with fists
ohhh and btw... u cant be in sqd when they kill it... or stay really far away....
my advice is to kill mobs ... and let 20s kill boss.. and u split,,, drop rate should be significantly higher
Did them with u mate ... and Empty is right.. no venno needed... those mobs ware dying before they noticed whats happend.... at fire waves best way is to have 2 wizzies... so they both go BiD, and that sombined with BMs HF... allmost one shot them :D and btw killing that metal aoe boss is kinda hard without 2 arcane…