What the **** is that signature?
Why the **** are you still here, woman? b:sweat
Yo, my madlife tho.
There was this super low-quality video of an old Dynasty TW as well, that I've lost now. It was when we were running away from the red menace after Armageddon (or Equinox, I forgot) kicked us out of the territory on the lower right whose name I forget. I know Synta recorded it, but I don't even know whom we fought... ;-;
Is that a thing now to say "OP" instead of "Kossy"? The **** is that? >.> Hey you awesome person, you! b:bye
Pfft, too many oldies. b:angry
Look at all of these noobs.
I hope he dies. I actually popped in to vent today a bit before TW, but I didn't want to get banned since I know he'd do that :3
I know of this. I just have something else that I can use if I wanted to reproduce. (I made a ***** joke. I am so witty. Har har.) I'd rather not waste coin on a skill I'd never use. >:3 Okay bye again kiddos and kiddettes!
Oh these lists again :3 Decus for all classes. **** Wacky, man. Why is he on here...
Apparently I can't forum and quote more posts, and they are in some weird order too. I was going to say that I don't have stormrage learned because I'm not mentally handicapped and that being stuck to Kossy is kind of exciting because then I might get a glimpse of the enigmatic mod :3 This sounds more like torture than for…
>:( **** your number system! PS. You can un-sticky it since I don't plan to really keep track of it and no one asked anything for a long time.
It's nice to see you still around. You're very kind. Thank you, Grim. As for this thread, I've not actually received any questions lately. Alongside that, I've been focusing on some more technical things as of late and so math sort of falls to the wayside :(
I started up League of Legends in the Spring. It's my new guilty pleasure. I regret not getting into it sooner. I had students mentioning it to me two years ago... >.>
I only have one major peeve: People that think that the value of an item is equal to an item's manufacturing fee cost.
Decus es el unico b:cool
No. Read the first post.
Agreed. I took German for quite a few years, but I couldn't really pursue it after grade school.
Heyo \o/ I played a while before genies, but I distinctly remember no autopathing :3
I kinda like that image.
Hi Peripoochan! \o/ Slight correction, you actually need level 7 manufacturing skills to make tt99 gold. Nirvana requires level 6. EDIT: Palindrome post, yay!
That looks nothing like the link color for the forums...
Whatever you do, don't major in music. I hear losers do that! The only thing I really miss is having less fiscal responsibilities. That's about it. Paying bills ain't fun.
I've played since the spring of 2009. It wasn't hard to let go. You can do it too! :p
Agreed. This doesn't belong here. This gave me a good laugh :p
I did that already. Get on my level, yo~
You have access to a calculator. Figure it out.
Thank you both for your kind words. b:thanks
veins was also r9 +12 long before that many people had access to it. Doesn't really say much about him given most of his opposition had sub-par gear.
I assume this is it? Enjoy.