Have you ever sparked and APSed on a barb that has bramble in PVP? didn't think so, assassins are the first to go down in NW/TW so many skills can pop them out of stealth now it aint funny.
almost a necro, but i was wondering. do you keep your charge rewards points when the promotional period starts? or do they reset?
Kinda why i was asking on here, hoping people with time on both would be able to tell me the difference. i have Windows 7, and i have used it before... i like it! b:chuckle
Thanks for the help guys, and Alsiadorra it is true. the initial walking out felt good. but i already had another job lined up... so i am in the prosses of speeding up getting into that one. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I know i did! :)
I actually waited till it was just him and I left, then i talked to him tonight (probably not the smartest of decisions.) and correct, i did believe what i was telling them to be true. i just don't like being a liar, knowing or not knowing. which i'm sure you can understand.
he has never abused me, never even touched me, he just got really upset tonight (I forgot to mention he is asian so he already has a short fuse, not racist just stating what i have seen.) i'm not going to report him for anything due to i want to try to keep a good relationship with him. i thank you for reading this in it's…
I second that motion! All in favor raise you'r right hand/paw.
i think this needs to be updated.. DQ items are not worth anything any more.. best to cat shop them when you get the chance. unless you are into the DQ rewards.
Death_by_me and the fancy wings i got from those dumb packs a while ago that took 10 days to get them all open. I was following some guys through FC with Death and got bored at one of the bosses. b:chuckle
haha! it is! but it should be an assassin!
the same reason why my cleric's is still 57 when i'm 78 now! :)