Deadmaul - Archosaur Arc User


  • There is more going on here then you think when it comes to the database. I made a total of 17 characters on 3 different servers and I can't make any more characters so I'm betting they pulled that info from one database that all the servers use. Anyway, the point i'm making is it can be done.
  • The problem with games like this is you can get away with being an *** 'cause there isn't anyone sitting around you to confront you. On a side note, all of our emotions come from our subconscious and our conscious thoughts are driven by our emotions so we feel before we think and some people are pretty extreme about…
  • It isn't about changing my mind. I'm new to the game and still exploring. I've finally made a choice on my race, class and got the whole build thing figured out but now I need room to make a new character and I can't. I have to wait another 5 days. I have a pretty damn good idea why this limit is in place. You get your…