^^ This is truth I created this character mar 2009, this is the first post I have made with it on these forums that I can find, even though it says I made 5 previous posts. ~Saitada
Also some mounts require a higher level 'spur' called a Galewind Spur that reduces a higher level mount (the ones that are lvl 60 required types) to be able to use at lvl 20. The 'Spurs of Alacrity' reduce a mount that has lvl 40 requirement to level 20. DK
Impulse: QQ Unban me GM QQ When will I be unbanned GM QQ b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh DK
Impulse QQ unban me gm QQ when will I be unbanned gm QQ b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh DK
QQ and QQ some more. you act like pricks and then QQ about getting treated like pricks. Enrage your funny. Go /wrists now that the GM's have pwnd you! DK