Only difference is that Jerry Springer is scripted and this is just really Live! :P
Ohhh stop it already will ya, geez what are ya 14? Come on just let them be and act foolish. Panda and what's soon? 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 2 hrs? :P hehehe :P
It's even being a failure, by paying attention to people, that are doing that, just let everybody in it's own value, if ppl rather make a fool out of themselves let them do that, it tells more of that person then yourself. So just let them be and if ppl really are getting worse like I said Panda will make it stop. P.s.…
People instead of paying attention to other faults, just mind ur own business the only things I'm seeing is that someone is doing something wrong instead of just ignore it. The game will be back up soon, just be patient just like me :P ^^
First it's reading and second u chill down a bit, people that do pay for this game I can understand, that it's annoying to wait after a 2 hour maintenance. So just ease up and let them write. If it's really annoying Panda would jump in and shush everybody up.
Give them a break folks, some people go to the last page right away without knowing from who and what, but I can understand it's pretty annoying, still I'm waiting aswell (Watching Extreme Engineering on Discovery) and posting sometimes on the forum like now.
Rollback is that they use a backup save of ur char and for example from yesterday and that u lost all ur xp, money, items that u did in the meanwhile (Just as an example)
errr it's 11:44 am here hehe not going to bed again :P But I noticed that all of a sudden I've got music in the loginscreen which I didn't had before, so something tells me there's a rollback (Which I don't hope it will)
Patience is a virtue
Heh this game isn't that heavy even with my 2600XT the game runs max. @ 30 fps (VSync is off)
well I think we all got a life, I think nobody ever heard of an gaming undead :P hehe
We all do and there's nothing to it, then wait patiently, just curious what fix it should be, but prolly to do with the event indeed.
nope, cause panda posted this topic @ 01:40 am :P