I'm a NV noob, so sorry, but I have a couple Qs: 1. I'm a 2.5 aps with +7 Deicides. Will anyone even squad me with this crappy setup? 2. Any tips on how a noob can learn NV? 3. Are there any mobs in there, or is it just boss, boss boss etc.?
Will pay 80 mill. PM me pls?
No pants?!? b:shocked
^^ Doh! That's what I was gonna say! How about when you imagine aoe'ing people when out in public. Or when "going out in public" feels as alien as going to Mars? b:shocked
Hey Michael. Been following your take on fists lately, and you convinced me. I've been playing with annihilator fists for a while, but took the plunge. Bought me some gorenox vanities, +5'd them, got a lvl 11 fist mastery, and maxed shadowless kick just for fun, then went out to murder a few mobs... Man, do they die fast…
I'd say only go with the whole lionheart thing, if you wanna be a crit build, which is rare. The only thing to remember with all HA, is that sage marrow magical is a must, as it'll put both phys and mag defenses at about 7000. Then you gotta be ready to pop that sucker when u need it.
I've met several "oops" types of barbs. You'd be surprised. They pop up in random squads for bh runs. Q_Q The main place this is necessary is when I do 79 with a veno friend of mine. I'm a parent who doesn't have all night to wait for a full squad, so veno and I do it. Fists won't steal aggro from herc like axes do.
I hear ya, M.D. I'm an axe whacker, but carry fists 7x around for bosses in instance runs when I don't want to steal aggro. Learned the hard way.... b:surrender
Bump 4 GM Answer
Doh! Pwnd by Reds again! b:laugh
Personally, I'd go with brimstone axes at 99, plus the full set of six pieces of 99 gold HA armor/neck/waist. That, with 140 dex will put u at a natural 24% crit by 99, which will make GXs obsolete by then. Just my 2 cents. Love to hear thoughts from others tho too. edit: That's with perfect attendance might ring(s),…
Never. Gonna. Turn.... around..... and pk you.....
Arrgghhhh! Time is exp! Q_Q
I say just go with your 3* axes per every 10 lvls till 60, then go HH skeleton axes. You can worry about higher lvl chains after that. It's the cheaper way to go till 60 anyways.
Bump b:laugh
Thanks for the responses, but would you mind elaborating on the above? Because if I decide to stay on the arcane path, which I'm already leaning to, how much much point is there to level fox form skills Vs. working on making pets powerful, if I'll never be tanking in FF? It would pretty much all be for PVP then against…
What about a veno with herc while I dig?
Hope you're right. Last I time WC'd for an fb pt for my friend's 69, we had a real group of mercenaries show up! They stole drops, the cleric never healed anyone, and was generally a fail squad. My buddy had to go back in there 3 more times with other pts just to finish mining the last pillar for culti cuz everyone bailed…
I have an infliction genie, and use lightning chaser to pull mobs. Abot 90% of the time, it'll pull just the one mob targetted. One thing tho, it won't work on ranged magic mobs. You'll just aggro them and they'll sit there and shoot you from 50 feet away while you curse and QQ.
How do you get this quest in the fiirst place? I did all the tideborn quests listed, but this wasn't one of them! Emerald moon doesn't have a quest for me when I go down there either.
*bump* Q_Q
If you trash a quest, it will reappear in your find quest list. That's not the case here. The worst part is, the letter can not be dropped or discarded, so I'm trapped with it! b:angry
I also to mention that there are no quests listed for that chain in either find quest or current quest logs. Just a letter in inv wasting space. And relogging didn't work either.
^^ What Saitada said. Can't even beleive you're talking about LA with high evasion tanking. I am enjoying all the QQing tho. b:victory
I use lightning chaser to draw mobs out of groups. The downside is it only has a range of 25m and does **** dmg, but the bright side is that it doesn't aggro mobs next to the one you're hitting it with (Except in fbs). It's the closest I'll be able to come to luring. LOL
They're all soloable and easy. b:victory
Just phone me when the servers are back up, k? Oh, and I hope the AH filters are fixed too. Q_Q
QQ QQ Q_Q b:cryb:cry please hurry!
You'll be tanking most phys bosses WITH a cleric in no time. It's pretty much how we all roll.
QQme isn't a bot. I've done a few fb runs with him a while back. He's actually a pretty cool guy.