True Form grants me 10m/s b:sin
Woot! Good Job! Finally I know what skill I'll put into my Genie on my lv.99 archer. Thannnnkk yyouuuu ~
TBH, yes! jk.. Archers are... strong against Barb... There's a rumor an 8x archer can 1v1 a 9x barb.
Don't look at me, I don't know anything.. b:surrender Oh and hey, I heard shik got barrage, sharpened tooth arrow, and deadly shot also.
HA veno, HA BMs, LA wizzy, LA or High def cleric. etc.
Another QQ thread.. TBH, that skill is quite useful, it can block my 10k-HP Arma..
Miku ~ Need a new makeover scroll. Holy ~ Beat me... Asch ~ My archenemy....
It does... But anyway, Congratulation on the boot, even though I don't trust database, but .0015% to get from some mobs is...
322... Asch, where are you? b:sad
Ha! easy. lv.90 archer. 1. Stun arrow on the barb. 2. Heaven/Hell Spark. (If heaven, use a increase atk rate pot) 3. ....wait.. what's step 3 again? oh got it, Snipe the barb to dead!!! 4. If the barb hasn't die yet, you can kneel down and say your last pray. P.S. Caution, step 4 happen a lot!
Haha, nevah! My advice, if you want to Lv fast, don't grind. Just daily, and sometime it gives 10x normal daily value you get per day.
Holy path, then run as fast as possible to safe zone.
Sure is scary.. b:shocked
Oooh interesting... Why can't I kill a cleric lv.70...b:surrender
Barbarians FTW, since the last patch, we're OP now. xD
Neither, arcane FTW!
b:cry That was...the hottest female archer! b:sin
Templar is a SAGE barb. :P Then again, back to topic, I have 10100 of HP. b:victory
Hmm.. boring... P.S: OMG, Vert bro.. you're a panda? xD
Ast, you missed out one poll >> Most annoying poll? <-> It's the most annoying poll.
No poll? Anyway, here's my answer.. no one. Edit: Oh I see it..
I'm gonna get kill.. but..
Is there any way to de-level? Post this sooner... :P
Sure is fun here.. But seriously, I don't know why I still die so easy... I got 10051 of HP!!!
Isala ~> Need tissues? DarkRings ~> A noob barb with 10k of HP full buff b:surrender HolyInferno ~> Who are you?
This thread is pretty much *dead*.
I feel blood....
Hmm... lol... Urban_Ninja - Famous spammer :D
Wolf FTW. <3
Wow... Yea... b:surrender