If anything i would just like a reply or even a maybe they will add the house feature ......just give me somethin since all the forums i read are all different about this and most of the time there are like hidden messeges saying they might add it idk im confused :confused:
i think useing Zen to get a house is fine with me and i think alot of people would agree with me ....and of course the company would make enough money to be able to support it and still have the game f2p ....all in all i think if alot of people agree to paying Zen for a house there would be a better chance of them adding…
The housing thing is what got me to start this game and to find out that it isnt gonna happen makes me said but i like the idea about it though and i think that they should really consider doing it ........and i like the warping thing better then having a bunch of houses around the land i think it would be better if the…