*Hops after Lesthar like a bunny* :3
*sits a bit away from the hill drinking tea as usual* Now that Jake is gone I have no ally any more. 'Cause I so ain't gonna dirty my own hands. Q _ Q
^ That's one beautiful song you posted. <3 I can't help my Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas addiction. <3
Oh, they will. But once it's about beer you better give it to Wolf. xD
Take care Jake, we'll miss you! Q _ Q
Welcome back stranger. :3
*raises hand* I'm still here. . _ .'' I just never claimed the hill as mine, I like to share~ x3
Keepin' the lights off, As I'm thinking the same.
I'm still feeling the same. *hasn't taken a nap yet* D8 I think Imma just go sleep earlier tonight, that way my schedule won't be messed up.
Are you allowed to use the words of the previous user in your post? Else it might end up pretty confusing. xD For example that I write 'Once upon a time there was' in stead of 'time there was' Anyway, you know which three words Imma use nao. Time there was
Ar tonelico OSTs <3 I never really listen to Linkin Park, even though I find their songs nice. x'3
*eats the flashlight* Lights off!
*Throws a stone at Jake's head* :<
That obviously wasn't a squirrel! D8<
Why thank you dear sir. 83
You really want this place to burn down, don't you? Light stays on 'cause of the fire. :<
Lights off, Eternal darkness~ \ * o * /
Sorry, I just need to create my daily drama or I'm not satisfied. x3
*Kills the switch by smackin' Jake's head into it* I'm gettin' violent when I'm tired. x3 Lights off!
Sgswss. Nuh! D8 I feel like I've been back stabbed. Q _ Q I wills uninstall it right now to show my anger! D8< ... Or just create a new character. <3
Stop fixin' the lamp! *breaks the lamp using Jake's head* Lights Off! D:
I've gotten pretty tired, maybe it's time for a nap.
*Breaks it again* Nope, I don't see it. o:
Then why do you want to claim it? xD
Oh, I use MMOHut a lot. And always check out the Reviews on YouTube which MMOHut made. Anyway, I'm on Ether Saga now. And after the whole new update of this game.. it appears that my Ranger turned in some sort of assassin. And my pink hair turned green and I'm a cat. O __ o Sfsgsdsfd. D8 How could they!
Well the fire has spread, so even with the lamp off, the fire emits light. So lights on! \ * o * /
*The fire starts to spread* The light stays on. o __ o ''
*Breaks the lamp* Well I fear that it has to stay off now. u _ u
No, it's 'cause I'm a huge game skipper. It doesn't take me long before I find a new game, start playing it, and forget about the other one. Eventually I remove the older one for more space. Though I've pretty much tried out all games from the gamesites that I know, so I returned to some. I just finished installing Ether…
Lights off, Omnomnomnom.