:/ sometimes, knowing when not to use your genie is just as important as knowing when to use it
well i mean when ur immobilized, you can still cast skills so i guess yeah it works, except you'll still be immobilized wherever you end up after the distance shrink and if ur on uneven ground, you end up getting immobilized stuck in mid air, unable to do anything, and you might rubberband around like hex mentioned.…
if you force someone to apo by just by giving them a spark status, ur off to a good start :] plus with 3rd cast r9 opdine is enough in many cases and not so ez to control wiz anymore with purify spell on weap dangit >:O cheze can prolly solo the TWs b:surrender
... which means that even if you start with 3 sparks -> skill proc + 1 spark -> aoe skill cost 2 sparks -> left with 199 chi -> just short of 2 sparks for the next aoe b:surrender
just a random thought... if someone got stuck somewhere on a map by a glitch or w/e and was trying to town portal out, could you use spatial reversion and get him stuck again? would be kinda mean... But...
from what I *heard* in NW: annoying tanky r9rr psy in white/defense voodoo that grabs flag and zooms around with speed apo and cant be locked cuz of purify proc on weapon? you get one or two high refined r9r bm with BT and cleric cleric sleep > BT > win
:/ 104 bm prolly knows what he's talking about especially if it's a bm skill... even if he hasn't fought r9rr specifically before and plus cheze = right. he even has r9rr himself
prob is with that much energy and mag/regen, it's hard to get dex high enough, even with orbs to make badge effective. not completely pointless but still disappointing when it fails like 1/2 the time b:surrender
"comprendes espanol?" not again... b:shocked
dont remember my stats anymore at those levels but... in general, I allotted stats for pure magic build. If you cant get a reset, i guess you'll just have more hp and less firepower... but seeing as how you cant get the coin for the reset, im guessing your end-game pvp wont be against 10k+ hp wiz r9s, so it might not…
how is "oneshotting" a measure of skill? isnt that more of a measure of gear difference?
O.o it sparkles........
:O aren~~~ let's spam chat with chem discussions again :)
yea :/ in some versions where everyone has r9+12 josd that fact becomes more obvious, it's just impossible to kill cuz the wiz weapon and skills no longer dominate due to superb defenses that everyone has my genie was built primarily for anti-cc due to our lack in that field... though supposedly arcane def can help a bit…
xD watevah cheze is cheze I like provolone
:/ I heard demon wizzies were better at 1v1 style pvp, but even as a sage wiz we are pretty awesome. the reason why wiz aren't usually seen as a 1v1 class is b/c our ultis are all aoe and we lack inherent anti-cc skills regardless, perhaps our most OP genie skill (spark) is definitely used for single target dps/dph and if…
yup it's awesome xD also ive killed sins with it just for kicks, the lower geared aps only ones ofc (cuz they aren't a threat when im in r9 gear). once there were three r8/1st cast sins that were bugging me while I was facerolling them (cuz rofl, no tidal or nerves) so they decided to gang bang me All 3 demon sparked from…
I've used emberstorm in 1v1s just for kicks... was 1v1-ing another wiz a while back with self buffs using +10 ish r8 1st/2nd cast nv gears so we both had around 9k ish hp, forgot the exact defenses we had... but I 1shot the other mage from full hp using a full-charged, close to full hp sage ember crit 17k (I remember…
AHAHAHA for some reason im imagining a random person saying this and now I can't stop laughing XD halp .__.
zomg share the wealth pl0x T_T
forum siggy? :O
Against wiz sometimes I might use fire shield. I don't have SoF on genie.
D; i dunno... i didnt know sins had the option to go sage O.o pretty sure there were only 5aps 3 spark from stealth occult ice demon sins b:shocked this is news to me. perhaps you could start the trend for this interesting emergence of sage sins b:chuckle
I agree. and maybe the triple spark too. gotta be demon ofc.
ehehe usually for those ppl who do that, I go full survivability mode and just try to last as long as possible. ofc I might throw in a cc skill once in a while if needed but not enough for being a threat, and then I kite just out of range trololol
ahahahaha... wiz ftw
:D this new weapon dmg based thingy sounds cool hehe tho I dunno about the numbers (not a math guy)... how much is 200% weap dmg rly?
sage DB was the hardest to find for me D; and the last sage skill for me to learn besides that... missing the 100 skills and some of the new morai skills? dun remember which ones are released or what they even look like :x if you can hit all those keys comfortably on the bottom skill bars, i guess there's not much more you…
possibly true... i know some people who click all their skills at a ridiculous speed (rico?) some stuff i still have a habit of clicking e.g. sutra, chi skill, some genie skills, pdef/mdef charms, some ultis... but besides that i think pretty much everything else is within reach of hotkeys using both rolling bar systems so…