my goal end game is to have 30k hp once I hit lvl cap :D xD we'll see
lol nice 10 chars :P
Sorry but, what is flame bait, exactly? Never heard the term before.
sorry Frankie ^^ and I think I might try the heavy armor wizzie..sounds interesting :)
I have a life, and sometimes my life is more important than PWI I'm sorry. I can't *make* people help you or anyone else, I can only ask and suggest. And as for me blacklisting you? Well I don't like people telling me how and why I should run my life according to their wishes. And most times I was "far too busy for anyone…
I honestly don't understand your comment...Care to elaborate?
lmao the Director in our Faction, Goldsmate..lvl 9x cleric and if we let her she'd tank, dd, and pull the bosses o.O we love it... I mean, I don't see why someone wouldn't want you to DD if it's gonna make it go faster, specially when you gotta kill that dude 4 friggin times and pray for atleast 2 drops. Oy, anyways... I…
Now, remember when I said that Oracle babies are part of the issue? Think I'll now refer to is as "Motoko-ism" b:victory
In FC facing those damn harpies, I'ma bowbarian and proud of it :D revenge is mine! >.< b:chuckle
I completely agree, there's definitely a time and a place where people should be corrected and given a bit of guidance, I'm not against that... I'm against telling people what they can and can't do just because of the class they chose. And did anyone notice I didn't put Assassin or Psychic at the top of the list? That's…
okay, NICE job on the eastern male set..was a lil iffy on the shoes, but I like the tunic and trousers, and got nearly matching colors just buying one apiece b:victory I've found it looks good with the charming boots :) You've made me a very very happy barb. 4th slot in wardrobe stone has been alotted! b:laughb:pleased
good thought, start submitting tickets :P see ya in game on DW ^^
lmao grats b:victory
lmao the fire is the only cool thing in tiger form, other than your hp :P
saying 12:30 am for me..I dunno, i just want the servers back up as for the football outfit, maybe. but i still haven't found any male fash i really go b:dirty over. I like the strider's and the gongfu..but feathers on a guy? cmon..I play a guy toon, just cuz i'ma girl doesn't mean i want girly clothes for the guy toon xD…
well if not tail fash, then I wanna dye my stripes! or..have a diff colored kitty, I wanted a charcoal grey one before I found out we can't personalize that bit b:sad
haha omg i loved that move "I'm going to make this pencil disappear... it's gone!" I nearly died laughing b:laugh
I know, it's poopeh, we should get like..tail fash o.o xD
b:chuckle ummmm i just wanna chuckle but it says i gottsa have 10 characters? >.>
gah, another false hope..curses to the pwi gods >.< b:chuckle
ty ty ^^ he's also DaMan on the raging tide server..but it's a sin on there.. er assassin thingie lol
on a sidenote Kantorek is a smexi winged barb on dreamweaver!! b:dirty (I seriously wanna seduce him for the gm wings >.< jk jk)b:laugh
w00t dling now b:victory
hehe ty ^^ my fiance irl plays a veno ingame named DaMan xD ppl get a kick out of us
ya can't go some place you already are, dear b:chuckle
:P was thinking would be a cool desktop piccy
hmmm..wonder if my barb could fit in a suitcase
lol instant I log in and get the count down I just exit out again... so mean of them b:cry
yup, i'm having that issue too
On the brightside, you also woke up to extended 2x b:victory I mean it could have been like WW3, imho 2x is much better to wake up to xD