This. Sins are famous for being able to own clerics of any level, if you're such a fail sin that you cant kill a cleric on your first try, you don't deserve a second chance.
arch doesnt have trolls it has ego maniacs b:laugh everyone on that server is either lvl 10-20 or 80-100 b:chuckle
I think he means he'll post the news in the RT forums >.> which means it doesnt have to be about nef <.< besides magic, I was going through sanc forums today, and saw you post on a topic that had nothing to do with nef b:laugh in fact, you made a point of appluading them on not talking about nef b:chuckle Besides! the nef…
Hey Rawrgh havn't seen you in a day or so buddyb:pleased but I'll sadly have to decline your invitation to become a troll b:cry but I know how much you wanted to spend time with me, so I'll still respond to your posts Anyways! I could've sworn we had this whole "go to that server's forums" discussion before? I was about to…
I don't get what people think is so boring about sanc forums. I read stoof there ALL the time. Of course theres plenty about Nef there, but then theres plenty about QQme here, and there WAS alot about Infamy when it was around. Heck, just the other day I saw a necro thread about infamy from like december that someone…
yah I've basically heard that with sins, if your an absolute pro, the best you can do is survive. With bms- if they're heavy armour, keep em away so you don't get chain stunned, sleep em, and drop nukes. If they're LA, better luck next time.
wow Mr. Mime your right. Rawrgh you big cuddly barb you, you were just trying to tell me I was welcome to become one of you! Here i was thinking you were flamming me, when in reality it was a sign of friendship b:pleased Should've just said so b:sad
first off, I don't see how any of that makes me a troll. I mean would you put yourself under those three catagories? Insulting other members- That's a flammer. not a troll. And I still don't feel like I'm trying to insult anyone. Sure the fuzzy thing, but I'm not even the one who said it was fuzzy. I know you'll say its…
KingJoel - Raging Tide We Troll because RT is the Best xD to me one of funniest Servers ever ur just mad cause no one knows u and ur looking for ur 15mins of fame lol and u take shots at Fuzzy lol and say were the immature ones lol My 15min of fame? If I wanted that, I'd be trolling like everyone else and become part of…
I pretty much don't. And once again you fail to catch the essence of this post. I'm simply asking why our forums are like this. It just interests me that our server, out of the few that there are, ended up with this many trolls. I spend much of my time in Sanctuary or Lost City servers forums, not just because I have alts…
i guess it is fuzzy, i guess it is...
Myrtle being another example of someone who just jump on the bandwaggon and goes along with whatevers popular.
first of all fuzzy, dont take it personally. I jus think people that talk in 3rd person sound stupid. Ijs. and your confusing flaming with trolling. Flaming is insulting someone, trolling is talking just to talk, and your being annoying for doing it. So if you really wanna lable me something, lable me a flammer. At least I…
@Rawrgh Now if you'll read my post, you'll see I'm talking bout the forums. Ingame, its not half so bad. Actually, I think we have one of the best servers in terms of ingame drama. Sure people litter the WC with stupid comments from time to time, but all in all, the drama level is low ingame. And to those who find it funny…
DaHealanator does not know what you could mean by speaking in 3rd person is hard. He is sure he could do it too if he was commited to acting like a 12 year old. IJS (oh wait) HJS (he's just saying) anyways! Borsuc is right. lots of nobodys wanna be something so they play a game and get the head start. Kinda what my theory…
mortal strike...? explain b:surrender
for my wiz (dnt feel like posting on him): 1-10: haha I can own these mobs 10x faster than bms. I kill mobs that bms are attacking just to **** them off b:laugh 10-20: hailstorm looks awesome >.< and glacial shell is really useful! that 3mp a sec is a life saver...i think. Wtf is this fb, and why does everyone wanna be my…
tbh either sage or demon cleric works. Many clerics well tell you that they could keep barb healed fine before they went sage or demon, it only gets easier after you go one way. I have heard from higher lvl clerics, both demon and sage, that going sage is more cost effective for the cleric in terms of buying mp…
all clerics are healers, which makes us Healanators but I'm jus not just any healanator. I'm DaHealanator. IJS
thanks for infob:pleased. But why shield for wiz and psy? incase they use BT? and for the psy's shield spell that reflects phy damage?
thats fine. simply state any stragedys you got to help a brotha out. anything useful im saving in a folder anyways lol
@Rawrgh How is it "lazy" to not obsess on a game? rofl I mean come on, you make it sound like the game is supposed to be my JOB or WORK. Look, I log on for the enjoyment, and I enjoy leveling slowly and spending time with friends. And like I said before, even if you didnt pay with real life cash, you defintly payed with…
Oh and I'm kinda sad no one flamed me b:sad Was specifically looking forward to someone using the word gankaliscous b:chuckle oh and why do people bite on the bait Nuff_Said throws out there so easily? He's obviously trying to get a response outa you guys, and you keep giving him ample attention. If his comments were…
@Rawrgh (no i cant quote I never use forums XD) No I know afew who didnt, and whether or not your one of them no one will really ever know since gold buying is a private transaction. And you also have to admit, even if you didnt oracle/hper exp your way to that level, that a large majority of 90+ will admit they did. So in…
you gotta admit its nice that we're in a server than can at least host this much dramab:victory back when nefarious was owning the **** outa sanctuary, there were no threads like this in forums because there was no possible way nef could be beat. at least in RT server, qqme and levi fights are debatable (as long as qqme is…
when i said they're successful LA or HA I said they have maxed credit cards OR they're an above average player. theres a reason most clerics in they're later levels are AA or switch to AA. for lower levels LA and AA are debateable, but in late game AA is almost always the better way to go. like i said, a clerics primary…
an LA cleric is a waste of a cleric. if you stack yourself you should be fine against almost any non-boss thats your level. and clerics are a support class, your personal survivability is not important since most of the time your fighting within a squad, and if your getting aggro in a squad, your either a crappy cleric or…
I like how people say to stand up for yourself by using methods like speaking in forieng languages. That's not sticking up for youself, thats finding a way to avoid the conflict. People need to learn that not all clerics are goody goods that are willing to sacrafice their whole day to help with a bh. Someone ask me to help…
Do all of these demon and sage special effects only happen when your sparked? Or do they become part of the skill at all times?