lol what do u think this is? supermario? there's nothing to "win" from pking lvl 30s lol dont forget this is an mmo and its pathetic bullying imho lol
go demon hun trust me its got much better benefits than sage if u like dmg and crits also if you have noticed there is no dmg or speed reduction in any of your seals so you have more versatility when using them with no restrictions only reason to go sage is the extra 10% heal from ironheart lol and demon make it so u only…
lol did u just say clerics got worse dmg? lol as far as know cleric is the next mage class but with better survivability traded for a bit less dmg lol your a noob arent ub:chuckle cleric deals more dmg than venos(without nix) BMs and barbs and their dmg is only right under mage not much difference archers got critts so it…
lol for all u out there who thinks clerics cant pvp/pk talk to the greatest cleric in the business Ascii lol DONT EVER ARGUE!! everyone speaks in their personal opinion and experience so since most people dont make clerics for pvp/pk the class fails to shine in that aspect lol but for those who do your all gonna get owned…