D/S - Heavens Tear16 Arc User


  • Actually I stealth when I pull aggro, but I've done BH 59 enough that it doesnt really matter. But your absolutley right and as soon as I get into BH 69, I will change it to stealthing after a period of time rather then waiting to pull aggro. Not sure why, but I like to see how long it takes to pull aggro. Testing the…
  • Okay, one more thing about wiping aggro. I DD on bosses that I know I can take a a few hits on til I pull aggro, then reset it, which is normally at the half way mark. Now guess what, I can DD like mad til the boss is dead and I will not pull aggro again. The tank built hate since before I reset it, now I can go balls out…
  • You can't be more wrong. Speed? I can hit almost twice as fast. Crits? Yeah, I have that too, 24% at lvl 79, but with almost twice as many hits, I have twice as many crits. I have a 92 archer and a 79 sin. At lvl 79, my sin does much more damage then my archer did at that lvl. Vulgarities? Calling you stupid and moronic is…
  • I'm Giodia. I'm going to stand in the corner and nuke once in a while and hope I dont pull aggro. If I do, I am a fail and everyone will think my whole class is a fail and then I'll kill myself. Me, I'm a sin. I pull hate and party wipe on a regular basis. Sometime I shed aggro so the boss will kill the cleric and I laugh.…