Cyrinity - Harshlands Arc User


  • Except when its a perquisite to another skill later on through your skills tree. I've got a whole bunch of level 1 skills that I'll never use (level 5 in wellsprings case) just to continue to learn other skills. I realise I've only been playing 4 weeks but give me some credit, this isn't the first RPG game I've ever played.
  • Well you play on a carebear server so you just toggle PvP off and you're good to grind. I never see clerics, BMs, barbs and venos stood in a nice line on the way out of Whetstone Keep waiting to give you a helping hand and a buff, instead its usually a nice line of blood red named PKers waiting to 1-2 shot you, your only…
  • In order for that to always work you constantly need to have 2 sparks ready. This isn't always the case and its not exactly balanced if we as wizzies always have to have two sparks available to be just as effective as the other classes are when they have no sparks.
  • You dont have to get wellspring and use it though. I've had it for ages specifically just to get sutra and only cast it a couple of times just to see how big of an MP pool I can create.
  • I always found money making really difficult, especially in the 40s-50s. When I started grinding Foxwing Supremes however its a totally different ball game, they drop good! Really good infact, their fire based damage meaning you just double your fire resistance with your fire shield and you're ready to go. You don't need…
  • Only advice I can give in responce to that is where do you see yourself in 3-6 months time? Do you want to be partaking in huge faction battles out in the open world without the need for a teritory war? You're out doing a quest and a group of red names fly towards you, you jump on your mount and take a quick account of the…
  • Agreed, I don't know how it goes down on you server but on Harshlands not only will the archer have a lot of PvP experience but they don't just stand there. My brother knows my ranges caps at 28.5m and he has 30m range so he always backs off which means any skills I don't have at level 10 are pretty much useless as I spend…
  • The silence/sleep me or whatever it is before my FoW can cast. I've tried using spark for its 1 second//2 second invulv hoping that they will attempt to cast and I'll resist. I've had this work once or twice but their not dumb and soon got wise to me doing this. On the occasions this did work I managed to get a nice hit on…
  • FYI 1) I've played every single hour and exp myself for my wizzy and yes I'll have done 1-70 in 1 month. This is also my first char and first time I've played Perfect World. 2)I've spent some money around $100 on things like expanding my bag, flying mount and a few boxes of charms when the sale was on. 3) The account is my…
  • Stick LA, you're on a PvP server and will need the extra survivability. I'm pure build and it sucks! Everyone kills me with ease and theirs not much I can do in return. I rarely get killed in PvE only on the odd occasion when I'm not paying enough attention. I don't think build makes too much difference here. I'm pure and…