yet again the nation that was up front only gaining more and more and more...... this is BS
Much more scary is a 5 aps base sage sin with triple int, who cares about chill 4 aps :P my second set of T3 daggers go to my sage alt sin which i will bring up to 4 aps with a double int T3 daggers. I will keep rerolling them till i get them :P Getting to 5 aps with merely windshield and a decent statted genie to keep the…
It will be mostly nirvana and TT 3-x what i would be farming. I will definatly +10 the gear on both in the long run once i have third cast daggers and make sure both have at least 8K hp unbuffed. I can always switch out my sins gear to my barb on the same account who is statted for claws so i can take all but the int chest…
Sage BP is one of the reasons why i want to make 1 sage and 1 demon. There is no dilemma just wondering if there are other things i'm overlooking with sage sin, or with third cast instead of r9. already have barb+cleric for buffs, so that's no biggie either