Critikal - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • as i always say , make babies not war b:pleased
  • So in other words your saying Ganking is ok aslong as factions dont have a chance to loose territory? thats the equivalent of saying its ok to gank a rich person but not ok to gank a poor person just cause of theyre status,talk about picking sides lol. I agree with Junon TW is not the only thing in PW and if you…
  • i come play at DW server here and there, though its not my main server i have spent some time on it (a lvl 37 barb) though i keep up to date with tw here and Harshlands , but wasn't equinox ganked aswell? and survived all 3 attacks? what makes this different, so i think its possible for armageddon to aswell. Eventually…