Curses, the fact that I dispise Crimson and everyhting they stand for isn't exactly a secret. Everyone who knows even a little about my opinions when it comes to TW knows that I want Crimson gone, and I don't care how it happens. This is however just my personal opinion, and nothing I use to affect what Kylin does. But…
I only read the first post, I find this forum incrediably annoying and all ppl do is whine all over the place. Sorry if I repeat anything or missed an explanation, I really don't want to read every single post, lol. So, Curses, they ppl freaking out all over the place was ~3 members from Kylin and ~3 Catalyst alts. The 3…
Kylin is not allied with Catalyst.
b:beatup /uninstall Yeah, take a guess @ who.
Well it's supposed to be 0 of the other guilds left. Crimson won with one Insanity still alive cause they refused to fight her? Lol.
Sorry, posted from wrong account. Deleted and pasting here: You were offline! Besides, you not being there made the fight more even, so maybe Jon purposly arranged it so you couldn't be there. He's evil, that guy. b:pleased But, to be a little serious; this whole thing was a joke, lol. I mean, the idea is nice and it could…
Valhalla (Harshlands) doesn't own any land.
Lol, a major screwup from our side doesn't mean Crimson is better than us. It means that we screwed up in like three major ways at the same time and lost. If you're so confident in your guild, why the hell do you make yourself look so bad by begging other guilds to stack on us? Seriously? It just adds to the server…
But (not that I ever would) trolling a certain mage is so much fun.
I heard a little birdie whisper that Crimson is begging a bunch of guilds to attack us, to stack. So, sick of fair fights? Glad you gave us one whole week without stacks, lol. I would just like to remind all the guild leaders that are being begged/bribed (and the GMs for that matter) that there is this little rule:…
We have good days, then we have days like that one. We screwed up in many ways, and we lost. Nothing more to it. Atleast we can't do worse next week. b:pleased
BO, it's funny that you don't know who Dezto is. b:chuckleb:pleased
I don't understand why ppl are talking about Afterlifes gear, but I'm also too lazy to read every single post fully, I just look through them quick. AL was a pretty boring one night stand; if anything just annoying cause of all their sins. Catalyst and Valala are over all better geared than Kylin. I think Kylin and Crimson…
His character definitly makes a diffrence, but he's also chosen our wars over Catalysts several times. James uses his BM to farm nirvana for obvious reasons (wtfpvevitbarblol), but does GV and stuff on his barb. He's the typical example I'm talking about; calling one main and one alt is just stupid, cause he uses both for…
Pretty sure I said I'll stop responding to you cause you're annoying, basically, but I find it rude to not answer a question when it's asked. So like, you honestly think you don't have any alt in Crimson? Lol. Atleast the ppl joining us feels comfortable enough admitting it, so we get a fair chance to vote. And yes, we do…
So basically, what Crimson wants is for us to stop recruiting ppl, cause it means we're cheating? And then you wonder why ppl laugh at you. Also, someone should tell someone to fix this stupid forum? It's bugged beyond hell, seriously.
Dral, can you please start quoting like a normal person? It's really ****ing annoying responding to you, and really ****ing confusing if I respond this way. Thanks. Page 62: 1. I'm not even going to bother. Since you have alts now too, your right to complain when we kick your *** is 0. 2. With "you" I ment Crimson as a…
b:lipcurl So, this weekend sucked. I have 1 138 720 left of my platinum HP charm and it's 2x. Fml. Just wondering, why on earth do ppl think that we have Catalyst ppl playing on our Kylin mains? And damage hacks, like, really? You're really running low enough on excuses to use that? Try getting better gear if you don't…
b:laughb:shedtearb:cryb:shedtearb:laugh Oh god, I've been reading from page 43, and I still haven't been able to stop laughing. It isn't possible to explain how hilarious I find some of the posts here.
Do I have to wait til sunday to laugh at this post?
Ok, I just have one thing to add to this. There is one reason for Crimson to bid on Sanctuary; to not prevent the other half sized guilds on the server to stack on us. Just like there was one reason alone to bid on Misfortune; to prevent us on growing, but being too scared to go straight at it and just bid on us. If…
I don't follow these forums enough to know what Faildom says and not. I was simply wondering why some random dude I have never seen before are defending Crimson; you answered my question, apparently I've just never seen you on offence or defense in TW, ever. About the "nice try about AsheZ"; I have a very logical reasoning…
Who are you and what is your point? We should only recruit ppl with bad gear? o.o And AguaMalidadarawhatever have been in pretty much every single TW against us, so like, if you don't keep better track of the R9 ppl you do have than that... Dral, honestly, I really don't care how or when you were in what guild, my point…
So, if I get this right; you're a player with a history of jumping to the winning sides (If I could access your Core Connect thingy and it wasn't bugged beyond hell I could probably even proove this with time stamps vs. wins&losses), who whines at Kylin for recruiting players from other guilds? Tell me, how many Crimson…
Ugh, they're here too? Wth, less trololol'ing and more farming. R10 or gtfu.
Wow... Sorry about the wall of text below, but seriously. I usually don't do these forums because of more reasons than I could possibly fit in to one post, but I got curious when someone sent me this link. It was totally worth it, Dralighte and whoever elses posts made me laugh so I almost started crying. Dude, we won, you…
This is so incrediably stupid, and so easy to solve. Fix the glitch so you can't make them tradable. Put them back in the DQ shop for 20k DQ points each. Nobody gets screwed over, everyone gets to pay the same price, the ppl who threw $1000 into the game right away doesn't get these things cheaper than the ppl who takes…