Sounds pretty cool, and yeah I think that upgrades need to be made for old classes, just look at the seeker's skills they're all glittery and fancy, while most of the bm skills are just like turnin on and off a flashlamp.
Ahahahaha I just love this game
So one more week with no fix :D well I think that instead of complain for me is better to call it time to invest on some games for my VITA :P and also start playing that sky*** that everyone seems to be obsessed with lately xD instead of zen b:pleased Well if they decide to compensate us or something with 1 month of REAL…
Maybe that's exactly the problem uploading them several times, the rules said it was allowed any number of entries as long as they were no repeated, I only uploaded mines once each pic, and they showed up, but well good luck to everyone ^^ I'm happy already withthe fact that my gf will be able to see the screens I made for…