This is cleary a problem of hiriing skilled people to deal with this king of thing... the massive load of attempts, the hardware, everthing must be calculated thoroughly... its not the first time that it happens, and my best guest is not the last... its a game problem along with malicious people that want some advantage on…
Its easy to check who abused this redeem lag thing... the GM's just need to check the chat log and look for people that has his name more than 3 times receiving the Dragon Orb on world chat... its easy as this... but i supose nothing will change and no one will be banned... its what happened all the other times... if you…
i so agreed with GMs.. its times for changes.. every kind of changes... TW is one of the bests ways to get money.. we all also agree with that... but this new system guives a chance to every1 else, and its will change the actual subject of the players: GET PAYD TO PLAY.. to like.. PLAY FOR FUN (as indeed as a game).. Just…