Cosenmonduur - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I'll try and add something productive to this thread... While the guys before me are right in pointing out that if you do the maths you will find that the fact that you do not crit "as much as you'd like" directly relates to your crit rate of 8%. I trust you understand this so far. In the Newbie's Guide to Archer-ism!…
  • Someone suggested somewhere that all they were doing to see whether they were on the right track with STR/DEX stat allocation was that they checked the blacksmith for the stats to the weapon they wanted to use in 5 or 10 level's time and then distributed their stat points accordingly. I'd say that's a fair argument and it…
  • erm... My Blademaster is only tiny, but I dare say he's coping fine with no added MP and I'm almost exclusively using special attacks. How much HP and phys DEF do you have with that build? How do you stay alive? with constructive regards Corsen
  • Hi I'm presuming here you've read Lyndura's Blademaster guide and are therefore using the stats as proposed in the above quote. Which leaves you with 2 stat point per 2 levels to allocate how you seem fit, allowing for the following guidelines. I think I can hear that you'd like absolute certainty that however you allocate…