Any ideas for a way to allow me to do optimal graphics setting or optimal performance or whatever its called without the game crashing?
I'm pretty sure you can just mail items from one character to another though I'm not sure of the legality of this method or if it would even work. There is a 500 coin fee per letter but that shouldn't be a problem unless you are really new or want to send a lot of items.
Are you saying that if you are below level 30 you are always able to be PKed even without having to be in PK mode? If this is true then they should definitely just take away the level requirement so if anyone is not in PK mode they cannot be PKed unless in PK mode themselves. I do not understand why it shouldn't work this…
I agree... What? You think I HAVE to make every post 2 paragraphs long? =P
First of all there is no need to be rude. If you don't agree with a suggestion fine but please don't trample on other people for having an opinion. Secondly saying sarcastically that we should receiving invulnerability just for someone suggesting these two completely acceptable items is a total over-exaggeration of the…
Yes, I want to second this suggestion but also add to it. I think they should just allow **** marriage in general and while they are at it, let the same gender embrace or carry one another. Homosexuals play this game too! ^_^
You're very welcome! Enjoy the game and good luck!
Yes I know that every question is not answered in the tutorials. I just haven't seen anyone make a post like this so thought I would. Oh and just to be clear, the forum tutorials are useful but I was mainly referring to the in game ones.
To level up your stats in order to be able to wear better equipment you need to open the character page and allocate your points into the stats. Each level up you get 5 additional points to spend. I think you can press the C key to open the character page.
As well as the above tips you can also just point your camera upwards or downwards and then press forward to go up or down while flying.
If you read the quest description it should tell you were they are. In this one I believe it says something along the lines of "Along the way you should kill X amount of (enemy name)." By reading this we can conclude that the enemies are between the quest giver and the one who you are to report to. Try going between the…
I can see both sides of the argument. Maybe it would be nice to make it a high level spell that costs a lot of money and spirit points to learn. It could also make it so you are revived at one hit point, one magic point and have a cooldown of 24 hours. Personally I think it would be nice for all classes to have an ultimate…
I could be wrong but I always thought that not being able to trade or sell a bound item is a trade off for not losing it against your will. As they say you can't get something for nothing and lots of people take this to heart. I personally would like your suggestion to be implemented so I wish you good luck on the matter.
I could be wrong but the way I understand it, if you are in a PVE server then you have the option of going into PVP mode and people in PVP mode can only attack other people in PVP mode. If you don't want to get player killed then I suggest one or more of the following options: A. If you are on a PVP server then switch to a…