All servers show green on the PWI home page... b:laugh
woot me me
me meb:laugh
spam for gear b:victory
i'll take 17th plx
Announcement has a typo... I think... or not: "Remember that patch preview a few weeks back? Well not Warsong City and the Bounty Hunter are both open for business." I think you mean "now". I'm too lazy to read all posts to see if this was already brought up.
FrankieRaye: On the other side of this wall, I give you the "Age of Spirits Expansion!" kashan: :O FrankieRaye: I was SO hoping for Silver Surfer to be in there... :'( FrankieRaye: this is kinda nice though
Headless Mounts in shops now - 50% off! New feature - random direction.