I wasn't sorry if my post gave you that idea. I'm totally okay with the fact that there are classes that are available to stand in for a cleric and still get the job done in case a cleric isnt available at the moment. But come on...why come on forums and broadcast that clerics are useless...that's just plain…
+1 ^ clerics will never be replaced, even when some people want them too and its so weird but the classes that i ever see saying that clerics arent needed at high lvl is most of the time either a bm or a sin. O.O ..why am i not surprised
from my understanding, its like..pwi made classes to a subsitute then, for when you cant find a wizard or cant find a barb or cant find a cleric but what people are saying is just plain disrespectful...not to me as a person (hello just a game) but to the class. Pssh I'm finding friends to do my quests with. I…
im a non cash shopper my self but I always see this seems the people who don't cashshop alot are the ones complaining about hardcore cashshoppers lol. One sentence.. (If you got it..spend it.) I dont got it so I can't spend it lol
oops i used the wrong word lmao u know what i mean XD, barbs skills should be made more powerful than it is now, the oens that need to at least
lol i doubt it b:chuckle
yeah especially on the topic of barbs, totally hurts me to hear ppl say they have no use at lvl100+. Shouldnt it be a case where all classes are needed in every aspect of the game all the way till end game. This 5aps craze is so annoying too, not QQin but, maybe barbs aggroin skills should be nerfed, you know, so barbs can…
whats that smell -sniffs- ..ugh OMG, is that a troll O.O
... wrong account -ignore this post lol-
- are very thick...YOU HAVE TO HAVE A REAL JOB TO GET AN INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARD..A SUMMER JOB IS NOT A REAL JOB..A PART TIME JOB IS NOT A REAL JOB ..understand? At least in my country it isnt enough to get an international credit card. Who the hell wants to work a second job for a game? o_O And i didnt say your…
- IS cute... o_o
umm -chuckles- did you see the part where i said i go to school full time. When i say full time I mean I wake up at 6 in he morning, get to school by 7:40 dont leave school till 4:00 in the evening, and dont get home till 5:30 or 6:00. The only time i will ever get 2 play is on weekends, but it is summer now so i get to…
well umm i am in college...and i go 2 school full time. I am working towards getting a career are you telling me I should quit because i can't spend real money?
if i did that i could probably cut down the time it might take me to get a herc..if i grind it might take me a little under a year to get a herc..i go 2 college and its not pretty late nights..too tired to grind lol
i thought about this already xD..wait..people do this already... note: there are the people who dont mind the boredom and need the money then there are the people who are rich and lazy and cant bother farming mats.. you finish the rest
leveling speed o_o what leveling speed o_____________o
I agree with cs being a coin sink, maybe BH for clerics because of having to prepare for buying pots and such plus the time that is lost that could have been spent merchanting or grinding etc.
so what if a veno went 7mag 2vit and 1 str every 2 levels (like me lol), can they solo TT too?. I am planning on capping at 50/60 havent decided yet.
**** b:shocked i spent 20k+ on repairs one not rich! 20k is alot
hmm i understand :), i also realize now that its not all about having more hp, but also about def
I once heard someone say that if your a cleric with alot of vit(50+) then it wouldnt be wise that you heal a barb with alot of hp (10k +), is that true?. 1.Also is there a specific amount of mag you need to heal a barb with any amount of hp, im specifically talking barbs because they have the most hp out of any class. 2.…
i keep imagining myself choosing demon b:shocked oh my gawdd -beats picture out of brain-
thank you for all the replies :), still I'm not sure if i will roll a wiz
let me just put it this way... If i had never BB'ed like my subconcious had told me to...the squad wouldnt have wiped. Being the only cleric in the squad, and knowing the limits of my defense if i had IH i would have had time to keep the BM alive as well as myself alive wen i was getting aoe'd. I did not have the barb buff…
hmm i think I know what has happened have mistakened this thread to be an insult to BM'S? or that is what I understand from your your posts. All of a sudden this has become about bm's. The competence of the BM in the squad was not the one that was questioned.. I..ME -POINTS AT SELF- would rather work with a BARB!…
:O bm's ARE tanks!??!!? :OOOOO i take it back b:surrender
1. BM'S ARE NOT TANKS, but they ARE second in line when it comes to surviving longer, right after barbs, and they can be build to be tanks. I do not want a barb only for tanking but for the fact that they can hold aggro and that they have skills specifically for holding aggro/ If a BM has any skills made for holding aggro…
lets just say the extra hp clerics get from barbs is a life saver(if their hp is lower than 2000 unbuffed). I have only had bb used on me once, and that one time i realized that the amount of hp I have, bb cannot regain the amount that I lost from the aoe fast enough. I stay alive for about a minute...but then after a…
I actually really like playing it b:thanks Im just not used to a party wipe b:laugh
okie doke 6str 3vit and 1 dex every level, okay XD