Bumppity Bump
ikr... I love how people are quick to bash others yet... theyre the ones stalking forums and finding reasons to ***** about something theyre doing themselves. b:laughb:chuckleb:laugh
and as for this guy, you sir are rude. you're entitled to your own opinion, that much is true. but to go further with that "opinion" and insult others because of their hobbies and lifestyle choices is another thing. these forums aren't here to bash other people. and like ive always been told. if you don't have anything…
LOOL b:laugh
lol I joined pwi right after tb was released. so I didn't get to experience that but... im sure it was chaotic xD
Have patience hun, im sure it has to do with all the updates that's going on mines been at 25% for the past hour and been downloading for the past 2. so once maintenance is done... will probably be a lot faster XD just prepare for a **** load of lag at new spawn area.
tbh, I like the hairstyle. although we should be able to change the "permanent" colors on these new hairstyles..seeing as they clash with diff colors. but all in all I can live with it xD. also...this lag that's gunna be in new spawn area X.X so dreading that..sooo many new toons QQ -clicks show only important players-
also...I totally read all 47 pages of this forum just in case I missed something QQ
NerveGear for PWI -drools- But in all seriousness, I cannot WAIT for this update to be done with. SN: Who else is excited for the "elsa" hair?
so is there gunna be a rollback?
Sweetiebot whats the server status?