Complicate - Lost City Arc User


  • As a class (meaning fist only) it is not a recommended weapon path. It is better as a sidearm weapon, or when used with the other weapons. There may be a few people that disagree with me, but in every example video of a fist user "owning" they have also used other weapons. For some guidance about which weapon path you…
  • If you're referring to reflective aura you should read the skill more carefully (it reflects magic). Also paying 800 stamina for about 8 seconds of usage is not a solution. Neither is getting a veno to cast reflect every 10 minutes. I only chose the lance so that I could theoretically save money in aoe grinding, and also…
  • Sure, if you say so. Open PvP and TW both affect the players in the game and relationships of factions. Duels do not have this effect. Duels have no logical effect on anything in PW outside of personal factors (practice). Logically speaking, duels may be pvp, but they don't mean anything.
  • I posted this in the other fist thread because another thread wasn't necessary. Keep the discussion contained. And obviously, no, this doesn't show how good fists are. It simply shows they're good at getting chi, and doing nice dps to targets that don't move or attack back. If you're going to discuss fists do it in another…
  • But it's at a 50% rate right? Anyway I want to work with fists for HH bosses to build Chi at a rate where I will always have dragons every 30 seconds. How can I get my atk rate up to 3+ hits per second with a fist? Do you recommend doing this, or should I not bother with fists at all?
  • Someone finally posted some evidence for fists being cool on Youtube: Unfortunately it's against a wooden stake. Some things I noticed: Went demon, have full set of demon stuff, endgame weapons, and don't use swords at all (gasp, but they have sword skills), WTF at mana shards,…
  • Lyn, you have convinced me that I should go demon if I get to 89. However, I'm at the point where I need to start working on my ultimates which will require much spirit and money. I have already read a few threads on the debuffs and know that flame has a better debuff, and is more helpful in more situations than Glacial…
  • Well it's the only perspective someone below 90 can look through according to you b:cute I'm only arguing because I want to learn more about the class. Ecatomb alone is not very effective at making arguments.
  • Why not? On the other hand skill canceling would be nice on HH bosses.
  • I agree that demon is more suited for PvP, but take note that the demon version of Meteor Rush completely converts the skill from PvE to PvP based. Stunning does not work with this skill at all (unless you're killing just one mob). If you want stuns, you can simply switch out your weapon to a Darken pike/poleblade which is…
  • Your post is vague in many areas: * Fist BM are put down a lot because their usefulness is limited in many areas including PvP and AoE grinding. I have also seen a fist user AoE grinding and it doesn't compare well at all to axe or pole AoE. Some of the fist skills aren't useful, and aren't worth the chi. You aren't…
  • Axes are not definitely better for aoe grinding, they are however definitely better at pvp aoe. It's give and take for PVE. 1) Axes do not need to line up mobs, but they take much more damage than pole due to the mobs crowding them. Pole moves the mobs away from you. Any pole BM can aoe without a charm/cleric (sutra and…
  • Cancels whatever they're doing and prevents them from using any skills.
  • Sorry for the misunderstanding, I just playtested my leap forward (level 1) skill. It works perfectly if you are not moving, but if you're flying on your mount it sort of farts and doesn't go anywhere. This also happens on the ground and water if moving. Nevertheless, the leap back (level 1) skill works in all of these…
  • How is smack not that great? No other class has a skill specifically meant to deal physical damage from a range and seal at the same time. I am also of the opinion that Dragon Bane is a seriously misunderstood skill, but no one that does have it will explain it (does anyone have it).
  • The weak damage (both pvp and pve), and the high hp and mp use. 89 skills are also somewhat ****ty, and not all the skills get covered for lv11 (leaps). Speaking of the leaps, the leap forward skills is glitchy as hell and doesn't work at all in air like the wizard skill. Fix please.
  • Lyndura, which of the Spear Linear/AoE skills should I start leveling first? Fan, Drake Sweep, Piercing Winds, Meteor Rush, or Glacial Spike? Out of these skill I'm finding Meteor Rush to be most helpful. I usually never have the chi for Glacial Spike or Piercing Winds, so most of my AoE grinding involves Drake Sweep,…
  • I can see how that would be true. I'm thinking I'm only going to start leveling this once I have spirit and start using charms... BTW, does anyone have the sage/demon sutra yet? Thx for responses everyone.
  • Here is my information: Assuming that you stop at 10,000 HP (endgame), it will take 3 level 8 sutras (780 MP) to fully heal versus 5 level 1 sutras (250 MP). Obviously this does not account for its value in PVP, but in PVE it is severely inefficient. I think I…
  • okie b:victory Actually the numbers say that it's cheaper to simply use a pot. The HP/MP ratio per level is always a multiple of 50. However if you add the 20% in, you're actually losing money. It would depend, as dekciw says, on your maximum HP, whether to keep it leveled.
  • The problem is that a leveled sutra doesn't make grinding faster, it just adds an extra bit of survivability. Another problem is that (for pot users) one may not always have the mana to cast the skill at critical times; 300 MP is a lot of mana to a BM, and that mana might better be spent on actually attacking. The extra HP…
  • Oh I'm well aware that you can use it without a weapon. The problem is speed and space. The quickbar is only so big, definitely not big enough to fit all the skills you can get as a BM. As for speed, imagine the possibilities of using all the BM skills in conjunction, and never using just ONE weapon. You simply set a macro…
  • Your sig is really annoying b:surrender So how do the higher level blademasters work with more than one weapon? Isn't there a way to switch out to fists really quick to get in a shadowless kick and then switch back? It would be really cool if I could do something like pan between an atmos strike and a farstrike. Why can't…
  • I read the entire link, but it doesn't explain party drops in fbs. For example, does one player that's more than 2 levels above a boss offset the number of drops?