Coh - Lost City Arc User


  • once? dont lie to urself, i even got 2 SS 1shotting u and thats a grand total least 2?b:surrender anyway i wont reply to u anymore since that has nothing to do with the topic at all^^
  • says the 1shot. I 1 hitted u already some times and gz for killing me twice and beeing proud about it^^ anyway ur QQ hasnt anything to do with the topic, try to say something useful about it
  • alt of someone beeing butthurt? b:chuckle PS: I'd agree with amours list tbh, they are all good mages (get double sage dragon amour b:angry)
  • Well I'd get aquaflame armor, its dmg reduce is amazing. It says 40% dmg reduce for 10 secs and afterwards u get 40% more. I've it at lvl 10 and i could tank a Blade Tempest crit of a 90 wiz even though i had undine + extreme poison on me, it only dmged me for 2k. And even when u get stunned and attacked by 2-3 people its…