By far the best fix. PWE please implement this ASAP.
=.= It's because if the cube bugs, and you don't receive a puzzle cube when you die (hence you can't start over), that they'll put you back / reimburse or whatever
It looks pretty =)
It happens when you get bored... I sharded OHT armor with mp shards so I could have a very, very, very, very kickass-looking and glowy set of armor...
I think instead of bashing the OP, we should offer some advice on how to play a cleric. 1. Read some of the guides in this section if you find some instances/quests difficult. 2. If you really don't feel like it, you can refuse to buff others. Of course you will be expected for party buffs when you're in squad. Not to…
they should call them bunny packs =(
That would be because you can't double jump on mounts (jumping over walls usually takes two jumps), and you can't summon your ground mount (but air mount is ok) or pets, use skills or genie skills when you're carrying someone else.
Worse come to worst, start a new character and keep the crafting mats this time.
Geez, just set up an auto clicker and sit in front of the screen reading a book for your personal refinement and read world chat once in a while; it shouldn't be bannable if you're personally there, after all, your hands could be handicapped ijs =.=
I like your bunny signature O:
Lol let's not give the illusion that quests at 9x gives more than 1% or 2% max of total EXP b:thanks
btw the last time I checked on LC event boots were going for 55mil or less...
1. Given enough patience, it's always possible to farm the event helm/boots from wraith spirits... but yea, you'd be playing this game for way too long =.= 2. HH99 boots are like, SO overpriced for what you get >.>; the sleeves are about half the price, but, given that you don't need -chan, even if you made one OHT sleeve…
I think the a PvE-sufficient end game build would differ drastically from a PvP-sufficient end game build, just due to the fact that the cleric as a support character doesn't actually need pimped out gears to survive and heal, where as a cleric that wants to be competitive PvP-wise would have to be geared at least as given…
^ You can observe how pro cleric mp regen by casting Pureheart Blessing repeatedly, you'll notice no change in your mp because the regen simply overwhelms the little mana it took to cast
Hmm... maybe we'll just have to think of death as the trigger mechanism for that one last inevitable attack? Like... Newton's 3rd law, the action of killing a melee range mob exerts the attack as reaction b:shocked
Could also be lag on the part of the observer x_x
Selling Pickaxe +10, 2 sockets sharded 2x Stone of the Savant... PM me offer thanks /don'tmakeabigdealoutofjokeskthxbai
D: I thought it would technically be possible to do the phoenix wit quest (not that I have any 105 toons to look at find quest for b:cry)
my cleric at 100 has soloed it a couple of times... but it took foreveeeeeeeer and was no fun at all =.=
Soulsphere pics ahaha... you guys are so cool b:chuckle
Theoretically, 57 for lvl 105 robes, but realistically, 55 for r9
well 6 if you count the set bonus
Fixed >.> The extra channeling on that sword isn't worth it; the whole point of going r8 on a mage is for the pwnage weapon.
I believe it's 2400 for 3rd socket and 8000 for 4th socket... >.<
(Unsure about DW) From what I've seen FC greens mentioned above tend to be cheaper than most other gears for this level, and if you frost, you could always hope that something drops... Good daily money - 12k x 4 tears each + 18k quest reward = 66k
>.> so are these 200mil insta-buy weaps or what
R9 earthguard or gtfo b:angry
but still above average =]
I say they just starting selling these in boutique instead >.>