Seeker class is a melee/magic class, equivalent to a knight/templar class of other mmo. Heavy armor and deal magic damage, sounds like an anti-clawbm/barb/sin/anything classb:shocked
That's a legit reason then. ^.^ Lingzi China will become major world power soon - they took lands from the Philipines, Vietnam and now they're trying to take back the Senkaku Islands from the Japanese. They don't fear South Korea neither since they are mending relation with the North Korea, that'll keep the south busy.
People who call themselves Azn or Asian are usually confused or from some third world nation in Asia they dare not name b:shocked otherwise, they'd proudly call themselves Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc
Yes indeed, you helped me tank virdis stormhorn after a bh39. I got you killed because my IH was lvl 5 at that time b:cute That was 1 year ago back in the "shades" days
inch :O it's been a long time
My number 1 rolemodel is Reilin, the highest lvl bm in the first guild I joined since I started playing pwi. He's the one who influenced my decision to join CQ as my long term goal, eventhough I joined too late, it broke into two (or more) factions. I'm still happy to be in the same guild with the former CQ leader Daikoku,…
I thought that was Babyeater b:laugh
You are really an artist XD b:laugh
Don't relate food to women, for women serve much more purposes than just to satisfy our instinctive needs. b:cool
Foxy torpedo ftw b:chuckle
b:chuckle butthurtmuch?
Make sure the barb get into Qingzi's melee range ASAP, the barb will die in few hits by Qingzi's earth attack.