Okay, thanks for reassuring me ^^
Thanks guys! The person who needed this is going to be greatfull ^^ LOL, you guys didn't think it was for me, did you? I'm no girl!
Woops! My bad! I meant to say that venomancer is a tough class, and they have pets to attack. I think they can only heal pets.
First things off, welcome to PWI wolfgoddess ^^ I hope you have a good time here in the forums and ingame. First off, while BM's strongest weapons are indeed axes and the such, it is a good class to start by, to get the basics of PWI. (Between BM, Seeker, and Assassin, BM seemed to have been easier to level for me) If you…
Sunset is recruiting ^^ We are a nice family setted guild who would love to help our guildmates as much as we can. If you are intrested, please pm ingame me, Spaza our leader, or Pk_Legend
Well, everyone was a newb at some point. If some of you might recall, you probably might had an idea of randomly friend someone just to try to find a person to try to talk to, and then become real friends. When I started playing this game I think two years ago, I was randomly befriended by a player, and accepted it for who…