<--- part of Vivi's fan club Next time I'll hit your crystal too !b:laugh
Thanks for this TW Enrage. I hope will have some other fights like that :) I'm going to buy new armors now, cuz you broke mine, you hit too hard T_T.
Problem solved. Thx
Hum Yes, seems I'm outbidding myself... Why is that possible ? I received a mail telling me I was outbidded (about 20min ago). That was the first one. I didn't play for 8 hours. Then I went to auction, re-bid, and noticed the mail again and again, so I went here. I wonder why I got the first mail in the first place,…
Aww I found the same one, and then get back to room one. That made me lost many dices cuz this room is pretty easy (was the EX one). Plz gm do something about that. Thanks
Btw, I don't know anything about TW (my faction isn't strong enough), so I need a file with all rules about that for the algorithms. I hope this is not a big deal :) Cya
Hi, I'd like to help. I have good Java knowledge and swing too. EDIT: By the way, an applet is a little application that runs in your browser. If you use swing, then it's a desktop application, which is good too (I would choose the second one). Furthermore, in order to be sure to always distribuate the last verion, we…