You've always been the most OP warrior. Only second to me
I liked all of the videos. Really good fights, a lot of people have improved o:. Idk why people are saying Calvin just got good, He's always been a good WR. I'm not surprised omgpie beat him at all though with a genie that has a 6 second fortify.
- Yes...I'm the best
LMFAO Did you really SS that?
Adroit is the best mage on server, don't argue son!
Only build a WR should ever use is 3vit. 3 magic,200-220 Dex and all the rest into strength(Talking about EG ofc.) Don't ever use LA on a WR, it's the worst Armor in the game. If you want more crit get CV rings
Are you talking about this?
bump, plz gms, this is important t.t
and also this Uploaded with Thanks for the help, i appreciate it <3
Gratz rim on Gratzing Nauth on Gratzing rodwen on Gratzing cei98 on Gratzing Pippins on Gratzing Nykage on Gratzing Susamajii for Gratzing NyKage on being most annoying person on LC
Gratz Nauth on Gratzing rodwen on Gratzing cei98 on Gratzing Pippins on Gratzing Nykage on Gratzing Susamajii for Gratzing NyKage on being most annoying person on LC
cya wind, bye ltx tk :D
Who the *** are you oneshotu? -.-
I personally use a wand but thats just me.
What he said. Oh ya and I logged in on my alt WB at west adc to see Shinzoku, Athran and some random EP litterally solo like 15~20 essence at once. Happened about 5 times before the essence gave up,btw Tika did the best out of all of them
LMAO. Last time I logged onto cb Me and BIGGYLUv (Both with out charms and I was ungeared with xs plus 0) Rolled the **** out of those three at hidden orchid.
x2 Californias Sushi is the best,trust me i live thereb:pleased
o doo..i just dun have alot of time to play 24/7.i have a job now D:
ok ,thanks.and i am rolling EA reds...thats why im always in EA section lol
End Game BM stats = 3 vit 350-400 strength all the rest dex /thread
lol ok , should be an admin as a part time job <.<
thanks but it is still possible?
BMs are mini tanks, but i woulnt say DDs, in pvp we are here to aoe and burn a bunch of mana while an EP makes it cheaper for u to grind and prophits big time,also when doing TT BMs are here for amping so others in pt can DD. in pvp BMs are a Support class.We stun and DDs kill.try to get a dragon in too.
He did "Earn it" u moron,whats the difference from someone grinding for 4 years on solo mission for 200k rep and working for a week and just buying it?once again, another complainer about a cash shopper.i hate the mentallity of most people on pwi.u guys always hateing on people who work IRL.Nupayne dosnt play everysingle…
in almost every server the guild in red owns almost everything T.T
i would say 1418 :P