My favoriute is the doom stare . Close second is the blue hell hound
There are 2 of these threads up
Has anyone else noticed that 90% of zelinity's votes are from Final Oath members?
I'm sorry if I seem like a jerk, But as I said before, his arrogance annoys me.
Well from what I've seen you post on here, Your pretty much a jackass. You did do better on your typing, but I notice it took you ages to respond, so you must have been extra careful. As to you being helpful, You're in final oath, and they are notorious pkers who have fun wrecking ppls days, they do not help. I have also…
My vote goes for Kniraven, oh and Zelinity, Please learn to use proper grammar in your posts, Your engrish is very annoying, anyways, The reasons I'm voting for Kniraven include but aren't limited too, The fact that he's a really nice guy, which clearly Zelinity isn't, The fact that he is a pro blade master, and the fact…
Beatrixxx is actually pretty damn strong, and can crush axe bms of the same lvl with her sheer speed so =P
Asgard is a fun family , is very active, and would love to add you to our growing family. If you would like to join , Pm Noelya or Rathalos for details, and I dont think you'll regret it.
*sigh* thats kinda what i figurred, thank you for your replies, they were both very quick and very helpful and way faster then I expected. I will be upgrading my card on wedsday.
sorry for the delay but here is the info, i figurred i should take a screenshot of it but it took me a few minutes to upload it because the upload speed on my isp is lousy
I've seen several legolas on my server as well, its quite boring.
Blademasters are 1 of the easiest classes to use, you just have to know what your doing when you play as 1. As for your other comment. Clerics are not weak if they are built correctly. Im a lvl 48 vit/magic hybrid cleric with over 1600 phys def when buffed, and over 1900 hp. I've matched an equal lvl blade master, and…
If your not fighting a boss, a cleric can do plenty well on soloing. as for clerics being weak and unable to do anything but heal, thats a complete stereotype. If you know what your doing and build your cleric right, it can excell in combat. My cleric is currently lvl 48 and can without even kiting match a blademaster in a…
If your character manages to reach the lvl cap, yes you can keep playing on it.