I got my answer from one kind person. Thank you anyway. ...You'll never walk alone...
So tell me is it ok if person that got banned create a brand new account and keep up with posting? I'm sure that you know the answer, since you are so good in knowing ToS here. ...You'll never walk alone...
So now you say that you are almighty? And thank you for elaborating why is impossible to ban you, that just proved point of few people here. I don't get it, why would you see it as a threat if my report can't harm you? Oh yea, and thirdly to bash and insult other nations is not nice, but you still do it. ...You'll never…
To pm you? No thank you. Ask ChaoticShelly, she will tell you who got banned here and who will get banned soon. ...You'll never walk alone...
I don't think so, he only want same treatment for everyone and Vall did not posted them, other people did that for him. All that he did was few emails with SS attached. He is banned anyway, they don't care what banned people say. I'm one of them ...ijs ...You'll never walk alone...
I will reply you in Anne's Thread so that we don't go offtopic here. Ok Aesthor? ...You'll never walk alone...
If you insult me again, I will have to report you Aesthor. Please stop and be nice to me just like I am nice to you. ...You'll never walk alone...
Patience SgtSlaughter, Vall ticketed SS of all 29 pages in that Thread before they got moderated so it will come turn for everyone. ...You'll never walk alone...
You are hurting my feelings when you call me with rude names like that, please stop. I mean no harm to anyone. b:cry I came back to have fun with people, no hidden agenda in my comeback. ...You'll never walk alone...
I'm glad you like it. ...You'll never walk alone...
I'm not a huge fan of Pokemon, YuGiOh was much more fun. ...You'll never walk alone...
*points at Duckintiger* It's not so cool to see how one person chats with his own alt's, specially when that person got banned. ijs ...You'll never walk alone...
No I'm very proud of my language, but you don't speak or write it on a propper way. We don't use words like Striko, Tata, Mama here in Croatia. You can ask me in English what you want to say in Croatian and I will be more than happy to help you with a correct translation. ...You'll never walk alone...
What is Striko? Are you sure that you don't translate from English to Albanian? I respect the effort but I don't understand the words. ...You'll never walk alone...
Nemoj me sramotit = Do not embarrass me (If you wanted to write "Do not embarrass yourself", you should write "Nemoj se sramotit"). Only very inteligent people are able to learn Croatian language since it is very difficult, but it's nice that you do like all the Forum rookies and help yourself with a Google translator. I…
Why would I call you like that? You gave me no reason to insult you man. Siba, Rakija, Sljivovica? Never heard for that, care to elaborate it for me please? You like Dumb and Dumber movie so there is no need for me to insult you. Chill, enjoy in the day. ...You'll never walk alone...
If you say so, Ok you are Ducky's alt. ...You'll never walk alone...
That was my favorite cartoon when I was a kid. Did you liked it too? ...You'll never walk alone...
I only informed people about what really happend and few people talked about this before my post. I did no harm to anyone by doing that. Now I will ask you on a kind way to stop calling me an "idiot" since I didn't gave you any reason to do so. If you do it one more time I will report you for hurting my feelings. So you…
Wrong Cleric_Blast we are not same person. But ok, you think whatever you like. QQ I guess He-Man & his Scary Cat were not that popular in rest of the world. ...You'll never walk alone...
Cleric_Blast I don't even know who you are to start with. CROassassin is my toon, on my account, with my private email that I don't share with anyone. It's very simple, Vall has his account and I have mine. If you are banned as you claim, I honestly don't think that ToS allows you to post from another account. Kyanelle, I…
What, you never talk on phone or Skype about PWI with your friends. I see no harm in that. ...You'll never walk alone...
I did nothing wrong, Kyanelle why are you so mean and insist that everyone get banned and in same time you are calling me with names? You are wrong LoR (you don't mind if I call you LoR right, your original name is long) maybe if you read what I wrote on siggy you would stop being confused. ...You'll never walk alone...
I really can't do much for you, if you fail to see it. We all know who scored more here. ...You'll never walk alone...
I did on a page 2 of this thread. ...You'll never walk alone...
Elaboration for Y.N.W.A.- My friend is not dead, I made that siggy and I use yellow font to show how much I admire his masterwork. ...You'll never walk alone...
It is not forbidden to use the yellow font and to have a siggy dedicated to my best friend. You people are way too bitter for no reason, and that is not good for your complexion. Chill, enjoy the day. ...You'll never walk alone...
With who? What am I doing wrong b:cry ...You'll never walk alone...
I belive that account sharing is bannable on forum too, that is why I don't share my account with anyone. I don't know what he said about you, but you can always pm him in game and ask. ...You'll never walk alone...
Token of respect that I made for my dear friend. ...You'll never walk alone...