keeping ppl from powerleveling isnt going to help that some ppl are just naturally stupid and have no commonsense. Anyone who knows better if your going to power level at some point in time your going to need to set time aside to ACTUALLY LEARN how to play your toon. besides there's nothing stopping you from not parting…
you'd think ppl not being able to get on the game at all let alone over the weekend would be a problem the gms would fix right away. Honestly not being able to play the game has given me much more free time to look into other games to play.... Why couldnt this have happen next weekend at least then i would have been…
i change my password last night maybe 24hrs ago funny how things always happen during the weekends... FW server hackings happened on the weekend and not even that was enough to get them to come back earlier
THIS IS THE MOST STUPID PROBLEM EVER..... i changed my password earlier because i notice something off with one of my accounts and this would explain why i keep gettign the incorrect password error on the game cleint...... if PWE lets something like this happen god only know what else could go wrong.... -edits- and the…
YEAH give casters a 1hr cd skill that allows them to cast for 10secs of no channeling e.e lol
are people really crying that they cant have 10man squads for no other instance .__.; do some ten man world bosses or something idk idk why you'd want to do a ten man FC wouldnt the nerf make it not worth it
=o nice vid
didnt someone make the comment that 30% of the people on this server are people from other servers trying to get away from the shame they brought themselves from past servers o.o
o3o there shouldnt be a new server cause this one isnt even full enough D:< i demand a server merge (with arch please0 b:thanks I'm a maybe.... I got into FW close beta .__. been playing that instead anyway.... and seeing as how PWI has made (excuse me) stupid choices before the new server may be pve again xD LOL
IGN: Bun$ Class: Veno LVL: 101 Faction: Nemesis
:B that might be my computer goes through checklist ~ lap top number 1 [x] ~ lap top number 2 [x] ~ random flat screen monitar i cant use yet [x] D: all you need to change the xbox to a PS2 make the tablet smaller and change the poster to something anime related :D
b:chuckle it's only bad cause if someone really wanted to they could make a Tiny cleric and a big barb and hide the cleric in the barb during TWs *hehe T menu ftw*
i like it i hate doing quest over by the wraith gate you step in a puddle and poof pet goes away it's so annoying so it's nice that they can follow you land or air and they seem more technical and require a lot of planning and thinking in order to play where as venos were just "pull", "Bramble", "chi", "Amp" and the pets…
so......... you disband your faction rather then try and take land from waiheke and Phoenix to get to nemesis seems stupid and wasted from that point of view .___. you have no idea if TW vs them would be fun or not i wanna try and go up against waiheke they look like a good untouched faction. and no one told you guys to…
so.... Zulusive = Elusive Why the new faction? o.o ??? Edit: D:< no straw for you rob
o.o -chews on a straw- ......
@SerenityMare: =o i dont think so idk if it's a heal over time skill and from what i've seen they can only auto rez themselves xD if they have a buff on them and allows them to do that o.o but i have seen wizards heal squads before @~@ and they're pets are time limited? lol i think venos should get a pet that blows up…
only be bestiality if it was a barb and cleric b:shocked but then again..... (hides all the fox veno)
b:chuckle correction Venos had a baby with a cleric Mystics get a welsprings heal and a auto rez
b:cryb:cry qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqfeb 2011qqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq b:cryb:cry
b:bye makes a R9 veno and mystic
=o I'll be rolling a Mystic when they come out since i have mold TT80 and TT99 for her already o3o then maybe roll a Seeker later on
>:B stop QQing about the QQing -shakes a can of troll spray-
IDK i kind of like cash shopper who play by face rolling the keyboards and QQs that there isnt any competition on the server then when people who worked for they're gear and have gain experience in playing their class catches up and comes along and facerapes them b:chuckle (months of practicing right clicking doesnt make…
already have a robe class so playing a mystic
=w= i remember the start of the server and arch was a ghost town i would role on a new server just for the fond memories... anyway the city itself is laggy and you dont want to search every single shop (which if you really want something you do it anyway) then world chat and ask to buy it >.> sometimes you get it for…
tbh the server is active you'll definatly find ppl lvs1-40 leveling up weither they decide to play a different game or continue to play is another story. If anything i wouldnt be surpised if you find yourself leveling/questing along side someones alt, so i guess that helps as well. It's easy to find a good support faction…
o.o re you allowed to post things like this