Yes it is possible, I put a lvl1 shard in for now and to upgrade to lvl2 it needs 2 more lvl1 and 1 Flowing Crystal. So pretty sure it works for lvl3 and 4 too. (This is only for pdef, mdef, vitality and spirit tho since atk/def lvl don't have their lvl2 yet.)
To be a bit more precise, you still need to do the Wraith's Ploy quest line until you get the Chrono Key and then you can enter OHT. The other 3 maps are open to be entered right away after that then if you are lvl90+.
Just tested today again and the freeze works fine in PvE and PvP for me when using Motionless Move. Maybe you didn't use it within 5 seconds after using In Silence Dread? Those 5 seconds start when you use ISD, not when the stealth ends also.
Just quoting myself from 1 page before. So it is basicaly instant and you should pay attention as long as the DB didn't use it yet in 1v1, because it could come at any unexpected time.
Yes, if the DB uses Annular while you channel a skill, it will work on that skills cooldown. I'm sure you know that the cooldown starts after the channeling time of a skill is done and casting time is just the animation afterwards. And as far as I tested, AE doesn't check when or if a skill is started, but simply checks…
Well yes, you get an exclusive debuff icon and also the animation on your character is quite visible (looks like a black flowing curtain hanging around the head of your char) and it basicaly just adds 1 minute of cooldown to the next 2 skills used. The problem rather is, that if the DB has a good reaction and knowledge of…
As having played my DB lately a lot and having analyzed almost all the skills as much as possible so far, I can tell you that yes, Annular Eclipse ADDS 1 minute of cooldown to the next 2 skills and it also is un-purify-able. I didn't test yet if Faith removes it, but AE also works on genie skills, so you could waste a…
For the tooltips that seem weird to you I made a post in the quality corner for fixing the tooltips already, I will just link it here so you can read yourself, those are all tested and true how I wrote there. Post in quality corner. For Umbral Stalker I can't tell you anything yet, it is the only skill at all that my DB…
Paralyze is basicaly the superior version of Stun. Stun: Target can't take any actions, but it can be resisted by being immune to movement impairing effects, for example Purify weapon proc or Vacuity Powder. Also stun can't overwrite itself, means if you use stun on a target which is stunned already, it will still only be…
While we're at fixing Duskblades skill descriptions, I got a few more which are directly in the tooltips of the skills. Demon Grief: The demon effect is a 4 second paralyze, the book says it right tho. So change 7 seconds to 4 seconds in the text and at the bottom the same and reword stun to paralyze. Eternity both sage…
The DB 100 skill gives 50% more critical damage, not critical rate for 20 seconds. So DB being the class with the highest crit damage buff now, but that's good I think.
I got Grief demon on my DB and it "sadly" is only 4 seconds of paralyze. The book is right, the description on the skill is wrong. Would have been the new most broken thing tho, 7 second paralyze for 30 chi. xD 4 seconds is really nice as well tho, can finally combo out of Grief into something without the target getting a…
I don't know the exact wording of the skill at the moment, but I guess you confuse diameter with radius. 12 meter diameter means a range of 6 meters (radius) to each side of its center. So if it is a 12 meter diameter (like the skill says I assume), it will reel everyone with a distance of 6 meters or less to the center…
I tested this often enough to assure you that it just plainly reduces the rage damage by 40% (45% at lvl11), so any character attacking a DB group buffed target without any rage damage buff would have 160% rage damage, so dealing 1.6 times damage instead of 2 times. Same applies to rage damage buffs, so sins would have…
Reflection EXP never was influenced by Reawakening, because it is neither a quest nor mob EXP. Reflection only purely depends on your current lvl and if you're using normal or deep reflection. And that was always like this since it was implemented.
Well yes, it worked in a way, but still not 100% correct before. The old system when proccing the sage effect would first give you 1 spark and then take the 2 sparks needed, so at full chi it would ALWAYS cost you 2 sparks, regardless if it procced or not. The new system finally does it correctly and just takes 1 spark or…
Well I looked at my download statistic and only did the update. It is pretty exactly 1.55GB in size.
Had the same problem with my seeker. Couldn't use the note, after relogging it worked though.
I charged 53 gold, got my 5300 points and then spent 44 gold on packs and got 2200 points for that. Was on late Friday night when I did it, so it worked for charging and spending just fine for me.
So I noticed that the new Pyroshell actually doesn't give the HP regeneration anymore, even though it still says it in the description. Just as a little extra notice, the crit rate is definitely worth losing that bit though. b:laugh
I know this thread is a month old and I don't know if I'm the first, but today I finally got the new Pyroshell. To clarify stuff: 1) It does increase critical RATE by 15% indeed. 2) It stacks with sage BIDS or any other critical rate increasing effect. 3) Have fun. b:dirty
Since I'm lazy I'll just quote myself from page 2 of this thread. So you don't need to switch shields at all, the effects work both with either shield or no shield at all. And to sage DB, for me it seems to still stun at the same rate as before, so maybe you get lucky.
Yup, Stone Rain got secretly buffed. Sage versions channeling time went down by another 0.3 seconds to 1.3 seconds (before 1.6s) while demon still stucks at their normal 2 seconds. Also cooldown was reduced to 3 seconds, even though it still says 6 seconds. Probably to have the same as Gush and Pyrogram? For damage Stone…
So since it's totally possible to get the first skill on the first day already (and for wizzies it's luckily Frozen Flame) of course I already got it. Testing so far showed that it does 2 hits, but unlike BT it's not the stated amount of damage for each hit, but for both together, so basically it does 2 times 50% basic…