awesome as always skai
R8 recast is the highest grade weap except R9 u can get god of frenzy on as a seeker, so imo nirv g15 doesnt even come close to a good rolled r8 recast g15
i havent been able to try it out myself yet since the update failed at 95% and started over..:/ but talked to some ingame friends that play seeker and they say its rly noticeable
lol so u mean during x2 u can get raps for like 700-800k each?
doubt that is correct, since single always have lower base dmg then same grade duals if u compare the higher gear. sure u attack faster with single if u ever chose to auto attack, but duals = more dmg from skills
imo the rank gear are better then TT70, i went 60 rank gear until i could get 90 rank gear and just went to 100 with it, served me well xD
yea seekers can take some dmg, Adrenal Numbness helps :) 30def lvl at rank 10
doubt they can at 85, i soloed the whole room att 88 tough with bp only to try it, wasnt any prob at all :)