Yes, im doing a pureDex Build, although i'm feeling that i have too low HP, and i'm only lvl 11 b:cry Anyway, im saving some points for future use, so i can add vit, str, dex etc.. in the case i need it. I always keep one point for future use
Anyone else has opinion on this?
I agree and support this idea. I came from other games, and this was one of the first things i missed.
If you refer as "funniest" to the class who is less monotonous, i would dare to say "blademaster", "assasin" or "barbarian". With those classes, you may keep an eye on each monster, it's resistances, defenses, Phys. Damage, etc... With casters (Wizard, Cleric, Venomancer, Psychic), usually you will be using all the time a…
Ok, thnx for tips. I will take into account for future pets.
How about a Flyer pet (sawfly, nix, etc...), high DPS, able to attack in air and in ground. Not a tank, just for PvP or generic PvE. Another Ground pet for tanking purposes: Magmite/Herc/Whatever... Will be using as tank for AoE Grindind, aswell as Dungeon-ing. And a Water Pet, for such annoying water quests etc... Does…
You are correct. The Magmite is able to Tank up to 3 Werewolves Spearmans (Lvl 24 close combat mobs). The Waspkin, can only tank 2 of them... with one pet heal. On the other hand, with the waspkin i kill mobs my same level in nearly half the time. I think for single normal mob, the waspkin wins, but for more that one (and…
Yes, i will take a Phoenix, as it looks like it is a good DD pet. Although as you told (i didn't know) flying pets can't be used in Dungeons. Definetely, i will use Wasp/Nix as general damage dealer, but also have to lvl up the Magmite/Herc for tanking and Dungeon-ing matters. Right now, I use the wasp until it lvl up,…
I'm not asking what pet is better... I'm asking if those both pets are good, and if Waspkin worths to level it up, or the magmite is way better that the Wasp. That's all.
OK, thanks a lot.
Sorry for offtopic, but now that I understand what channel and cast times are, i have another doubt. The most skills (and probably all of them) have a lower "Casting Time" than "Channel Time". The question is: how do the Cast Time affect the total time inverted to launche the spell, and start another spell? I mean: does…
Ok, i understand now. Thanks a lot.
So, what is then "Channel", "Cast Time" and "Cooldown"? Well, i understand what cooldown is, but now im confused about the channel & cast time. Isn't suposed that less channel time, aswell as less cast time, is better? Sorry for the question, but i come from other MMOs where Cast Time is the time needed to "finish and…
I understand it now. Thanks.
I have another question. Maybe sounds noob, but as I am new to this game, i don't know all terms and how all works. The Ironwood Scarab description says this: "Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 120% of weapon damage plus 145.1. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 12%…
Nice info. Thanks 4 it. Then, how about something like this? : Venomous Scarab, up to lvl5 Ironwood Scarab, max it Lucky Scarab, max it Blazing Scarab, max it Noxious Gas, max it. The rest of the points to the other common spells: Heal Pet (duh), Wood Mastery, etc... The only problem that i saw is that the *greater* direct…