I agree that Veno's are one of the better money makers at the lower levels and as for how much was made in your example nice very nice. I love how many totally missed your point. With doing all your quests and selling off anything you didn't need had you played every day what you ended up with could of been twice what you…
So how dose that work is it for new charaters only or can ones you already have change how they look?
Not sure what type of help you need since you forgot to say but should you still need help when your on I too play on the Sanctuary server and my main is named BlindFate so look me up should you need help still b:pleased
In group runs BP would be a waste since archers can stay back and DD but they must be careful not to steal aggro from the tank otherwise they are up close and personal with the mob/boss because they're high dex makes them aggro *****'s. Sins have the same problem for the same reason but dose this mean that archers should…
Veno's been my fav since the begging. Reason is simple they are a good all around class and they have a pet to help them thru the game. I still have my first tank pet and before the tideborn it was one of the best free tanks in the game only better one was suppose to be the Herc "the not free tank ". now that I've got one…
I agree that as long as people do learn the character that they are either plvi-ing them selves or getting plvied by another then no biggie but many do not bother with learning how to play their character or class so they end up being less then helpful when running a dungeon and tend to get others killed. My main is a veno…
Since they can't seem to figure out the problem maybe they should just get rid of it b:angry
So still no blessing and I have two arch servers on my list but not able to select a charater to send a blessing to. Hope this gets fixed soon.
I really don't see a problem here since theres already lots of over powered players any way why not make it possible for evan more that way all the people who cry have evan more to cry about. Besides a harder to kill barb would keep life interesting during TW's mwahaha. I think they should put that in the cash shop charge…
Been trying to get my jones blessing but only get as far as the select a charater option which sucks yes you can play with out it and yes it might make life easyer with it but at lease you should be able to get itb:angry.
I've yet to see any skill that has an effect on the Veno pet but for squad purposes there are a number of useful skills. Now that anybody can lure Veno's can get forgotten in a squad but we still rock evan with the mystics around b:chuckle.
1- What server would be best for me? I live in Indiana in the USA. 2- How large is the playerbase? 3- How good is the social aspect? Meaning friendliness, guilds, and such 4- Is this game good? I like to PvP 5- Is the CS necessaty to get good? I'm a Jade Dynasty vet and just thinkin bout checkin out this one ^_^ 6- Is the…
When the tideborns first came out nobody really knew what to do with either of the two classes. I went with the pure build from the get go my sin is now lvl 86 dose not get one shotted often and I use bloodpaint but don't depend on it. It dose not really heal for that much but is a great help at keeping you alive. I can…
Be interesting if you could start flying earlier then must since Elves could fly from the get go. Still wondering just what their flying thing will be. Will it be the same as everybodys else or something different.
To be honest not sure what the point would be thought that aplied to mele classes not magic classes but would be interesting if it could be done. b:dirty
None of the classes need to CS but for some things like the HP and MP charms you might have to or buy those from catshops when you can find them. I play all the classes and each has thier needs for either hp or mp but you can make your own with the down side of the cool down. I've also bought the large bank stone and the…
So you shard weapons with garnets and armor with cittrines after you hit lvl 70 as a sin?
Well now things are getting out of hand with all the rubber banding and the servers getting overloaded. People I play with are now getting dc/ed left and right. Arch is known as lag city and the tigers are loosed upon us ever Friday b:chuckle. But I do still like this game and I'm a slow lvler myself I don't have a Herc so…
Also another good place for info on your class is the class discustion post all the classes are there to see what builds might work for your own play style. Also never be afraid to ask people in game for tips there are a lot of helpful and unhelpful people in game. Just remember its only a game some seem to forget that.
Earthguard be interesting if they had a earth like look to them since the Tideborn have a fish look. As for the two classes a mage type tanker could be an interesting addition but don't think they're going to replace the barb any. A cleric/pys/veno now that could truely rook was hoping for another tamer/summer class when…
Be nice if they make the squads bigger now that they're adding more classes b:pleased
When a players name is pink to red means they've been player killing quite offten so they have a ideal of what to use against what classes and when to use it b:pleased.
Since there are now 8 different classes to choice finding one that sounds interesting and may fit your own play style is a good way to begin also look up the class you went with and see what the older players say about it for builds and such. Also never be afraid to ask others for help there's alot of friendly people in…
Nice to have a better ideal when it'll come out and yep it'll get crowded for awhile until people decide the tideborn isn't for them then the real players can work on developing what build works best, where to put stats so they work for u and so forth should be alot of fun b:laugh
love both classes was thinking of rolling a psychic and still am although the assassin dose sound pretty good b:dirty.
Have noticed not many mentioned the Tideborn and how they will factor into this public quest system. Since so little is known about what they will be able to do and what kind of builds will work for them or even what they will add to the total mix of this new system. I'm still waiting to find out more on all of this…
Will the two be a combination of two classes? Since in some games Assassins can use both bows and swords. So that would make them a archer/blademaster type if true. Also the psychics being a wizard/veno combo would be cool. b:laugh
Any clue when they will release the Tideborn on us?