Yeah its FREE play! I played and bought things from cashshop. 1 yr later I discovered adding all REAL LIFE MONEY I spent was totalling $800.00 dollars. This is all a scam. You dont have to pay. But if you want to enjoy the game you better be ready to scratch your credit card or you moms credit card. b:chuckle
Accusations and yet no evidence. Shame... PK has no rules. When you switch to pk meaning you put all the risk of getting killed. So that probably something you dont understand. Hiding? whos hiding? b:lipcurl
This has a lot of jealousy and hate toward Nef. I think it’s mostly jealousy: because Nef currently owned the majority of sanctuary map and has been very successful on holding their grounds. Most Hate: because they have been holding they grounds since and all attempts on trying to bring them down has failed. That’s funny…
I think nef did the right move by eliminating small faction before it becomes a treat. Nef deserve to rule the sanctuary map because everyone in nefarious work hard for it. Not to boost thier moral.