lol Kat isnt a cleric That is what u would call a metal mage CLERICS DONT EXIST.. ijs b:chuckle
Im best QQer here Rawrgh b:chuckle
lol i seen 8x wiz tank that one cleric.. gg
Well Nightrage.. Considering they took more than 3 shots to kill me in TWs which is sad considering i had terribad gears Leander, Nightrage > Arch Archers..
Awe.. my name ends in a "y".. we could've had a great Bro-Mance b:cry
nope.. its just a really good guess.. bc most of the ppl in this thread are no from Arch server.. lol b:surrender
cookies are hard to find.. here's a waffle >( ',..,' )># Can i borrow 100 mil?
Today, i joined in on the event which took place at 9pm.. not very impressive numbers on the scoreboard.. most get double the scores i saw on other servers.. So i thought what the heck.. might as well come back for some quick lvling up and TWs
tigers arent fuzzy.. lol
Was very sad that my guild (Enemy) didnt have a TW that week..
i was there to watch round 2.. lol