Beren - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • that wouldn't lose quality but its way to hefty to deal with on a normal basis i could send it to people using pando but then it would lose a lot of the potentional for a lot of people working on it :(
  • i had a bmp image but it was double the pixels and it was a crazy 250mb
  • plus there is a opportunity for some people to expand and make regional maps as well with more in depth material information. But for now I think this is a great idea. Having a singular map with all the infomation is a farmers dream come true.
  • The PWI images of materials locations are two small, and the map they use not detailed enough. Using the full zoom map will make it much easier to find the materials and having the image avalible on your desktop instead of on the internet is a positive as well.
  • I am aware of these resources, but once completed this will be the ultimate key of all farming materials. Coordinates are very difficult to follow compared to a pinpoint on a map . . . i know that general trends will show locations of mats in relation to mobs but we are looking for really good points. I am updating the…