gale force works great in pvp its always my first attk on duels i mostly use this combo gale force+thicket+bramble tornado+ natures vengence again and again or u can use any other skill after this combo i have defeated a bunch of players with this combob:victory
r8 armor 1 mil each! r ye kidding me?
wow so..guys thx a lot for ur replies but i'd like to say something that am total f2p i didn't spent a penny or nor i gonna be until i got my own jobb:thanks i guess not bcos that am poor or dont want to pay money its all bcos of meh parents u can understand my parents don't allow me to use money on game b:cry so even…
i cant log in to arch server when i click on start from char menu error opos up "could not connect to server" b:angry why!
same here whenever i try to log in it says "disconnected from server please log in again" theb:angry fq
maybe true lol hahab:laugh
so it means i can resume it from where i left huh?
hey!!! core connect is workingb:victory i didn't did anything except clearing all of my history ,cache and i din't log on for a couple days its working fine now
i wanna ask the same question
so all people thx for th respons i downloaded the game not from arc i did it from the classic pando downlouder and now am back in the game and it feels great and a little confusing in-game lolb:laugh
so what i love playing MMOs and i play a lot!!
i did cleared cache but nothin seems to be working i will try to log on from a different device perhaps it'l work
what do u mean since its launch i am using core connect from 2 years and this problem just showed up 2day
b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope it'l gonna be helpfull
my pc take 30 mins to verify i timeb:angry
b:angryb:angry ahh! man.... i verify it two times now whatb:sad
ok i will try but am really annoyed verify pw take sooo mach timebb:angry hey i did try to verify it but it doesn't work Try again it will be work i'm sure, Note:Verifying your client may take a while depending on your system.
thx i will try
but i lost so many time that really sucksss am collecting money for a weird quest but now i'l have to do that againb:cryb:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry
ya thxb:victory
thx it workedb:victoryb:thanks
what mail u mean in my pw account's inbox?