BeastBuff - Harshlands Arc User


  • You shouldnt talk. Didnt you say before that you would never leave kingdom? Nevermind I guess its do as you say not as you do.
  • close but that kid is better looking than me. maybe he could be one of the kids i might have had in college that i never found out about. that would be about the right age. nice try but i'm a little too old to care what someone who pretends that a virtual environment is life says.
  • go flirt with your e-girl if you want just dont come back here whining after you find out its really a guy and he talked you into spending all your money on him. try walking outside sometime. there is an entire world outside the web. maybe you should try living in it sometime.
  • here is a thought. why dont you get off your computer and go meet a real person instead.
  • PWI wants coin->gold prices as high as possible because it increases their sales. more people buy to sell for coin and more people buy to use themselves because they cant afford gold with coin. high gold prices=win for PWI bottom line so you will never see anything like this ever happen.
  • its called HOLY PATH...use it.
  • you forgot a few. both of them>all other weapons combined. mage=OP
  • you used the excuse that this character was a lowbie to back up what you claim to be true. never said i was "good". look around at 98-99% of players on this entire game and i wouldnt say any one of them knows how to play their class or could in any way shape or form be considered "good" players. funny thing is even though…
  • wow you are a joke. this is just one of many alts. this one would have been 85 to max SoT if i didnt get bored of the dead server and quit playing HL over 3 months ago. ...other alts 40 EA for Cube 58 BM for Golden Bell 64 EP for Revive 84 EA 91 Veno that is on top of LC alts... 96 EA 94 Veno 86 EP 85 BM 56 Mage 54 Barb…
  • so you know that on HL QQme was dominating the map without much resistance until Anti decided to disband rather than take the server? tell me another person who has solo defended land and won against an entire faction. yeah yeah we know only CQ matters no one else can do anything of any value without the CQ label on it. no…