Beanette - Lost City Arc User


  • Less QQ more Pew Pew, go do your BHs and shout in the center of arch until your keyboard melts.
  • My experiences with people sucking up to a high level have taught me one thing. Unless you are a girl who can physically suck down on them, they don't give a rats **** and find it annoying after the first few compliments. Anyways, I am working on an alt and he is currently level 64. I will tell you that its VERY useful to…
  • Just remember that you should choose a class that doesn't allow your girlfriend to kill you if she is angry at you. If you guys are playing Wizard/ Venomancer couple MAKE SURE YOU ARE THE VENOMANCER. You don't want her sicking a nix on you and dying in three seconds as the bleed and nix talons sink into you ^__^
  • But you miss out on all the fun trolling and drama. You can't spell fun without troll. Wait, yes you can! What am I saying?
  • This is why it is beneficial to be in a non-fail guild. I can usually rely on at least 1-2 8X or 9X players to back me up on a BH on my alt. That being said if you ARE part of a fail guild try to find active friends who are not in a fail guild and see if they can hook you up. (Not saying any guild is fail, just defining…
  • After laughing my **** off for 3 hours at a vit build BM I have decided to respond. b:chuckle No but seriously, before you find someone to level with I would suggest remaking your character and use 3 strength - 2 dex.... IJS, because if you wanted to be a vit build, might I suggest playing a WB ? (The Barbarian) Anyways,GL…
  • LC is floating at around 350 K. Gold prices are always tentative and most gold in AH does not sell very well but will instead indirectly affect the prices of cash-shopped items already in the game. I say that you shouldn't really use this as an unbiased estimator of in-game item prices.
  • "Yo littlefish, I'm really happy for you , I'm going to let you finish but x_Trinity_x has one of the finest **** of all of the finest of all time!" -inb4moretroll
  • The fact that there is atleast one weapon in each of the other families for zerk is already good enough. Plus, there are only one or two more weapons with the Zerk ability. You don't want all other classes to be played the same right? It is good to have different special weapon abilities.
  • @1st Would a carebear really be saying the stuff I just said... really? And would an anti-socialite have a friends list? @2nd Don't get me wrong, this game is for everyone, but I am just singling out the Guild aspect of it, and in reality only 240ish people DO make a difference on the big map dunchu think ? IE last TW map…
  • Son... I've seen things man... I've seen things, lots of dead brothers... good men... good men... all dead /Hand over eye crai. You don't want to come here, it turns boys into men, and men into corpses. You say we are devils, but that is only because we live in hell... So, roll an archer willz ya? Pretty easy to squish…
  • If you think not having to shell out $8 a week to play you high level character correctly is fun, do the veno. If you are a rich and spoiled child with infinite zhen to charge I would suggest playing an archer in PvE. You will feel like you actually posses an E-pen when you see the high numbers followed by the words…
  • inb4close.... welcome back Column, the first thing you do to remind us of how awesome you were at losing your lands to CQ is by flaming all CURRENT leaders... nice... b:victory
  • And then blood ninja comes and cyber-pranks everyone... pwnd!
  • Well the thing is, most people seem to be giving me negative comments for this, but I didn't mean for it to be looked upon negatively, for the most part I just want to help out someone who might be interested, but since this seems to be mostly negative comments I may as well give up and just find a friend who may want…
  • b:chuckle Sounds about right... I dunno though I think more people would b:laugh than b:cry -Yours, Dr. Bean
  • The thing is I know venomancers can do this, but at level 80+ clerics need ATLEAST one gold MP charm a week, and from the clerics I speak with they do spend over that to "grind" on Rebirths as for grinding... I've played a cleric and grinding makes you spend either time or money (not for venomancers) and merchandizing…
  • I would like to nominate Meowwss please?
  • Pedobear/ 1337/ Always with little cubs Description: Fuzzy and unkempt, prefers to go in the nude, has honey stains everywhere. Likes: Long walks in creeper vans. The little ones. Listening to Michael Jackson b:chuckle -Yours, Dr. (creeper) Bean
  • I hope this guide has helped you, to address your concern about convincing the vast majority of people to ask for lower prices on gold... its a good idea actually. However, you have to realize that the vast majority of people will stick with AH prices. So until the buyers make a move to lower gold prices because it is not…
  • Please.. let jolly jones exchange the boxes with me! I don't want to carry these boxes any longer b:cry -Yours, Dr. Bean
  • I agree that if everyone does this, then gold will stay at high prices, and that if everyone doesn't sink their coins then gold stays high, and if everyone stops spending cash gold supply stays low and the gold is high... but that's just it... EVERYONE. You know atleast one person that will consistently spend gold on this…
  • Hmmm ... I smell two tier ponzi scheme... Bernie Madoff: Get as much money as you can, sell off all your investment, let me do it for you... I run off with your money! Hmm ... can't seem to recall who else did it... -Yours, Dr. Bean
  • I don't know how this has any relevant bearing on what I just said b:surrender I am trying to offer advice, not get people to quit... ya... you might be doing alright, but I know a lot of people that could improve their current situation if they took this advice. -Yours, Dr. Bean P.S. I respect your opinion but I think it…
  • Isn't this thread supposed to be locked ? b:sad I mean ... title please "Greedy dictators" seems to be trolling right ? It could be just me though .... -Yours, Dr. Bean P.S. I suggest that this advice should go to the suggestions bin located in that little recycle can on your desktop IMO ... b:chuckle
  • Actually, the answer to this dilemma is quite simple. If you want to stop CQ just do what the South Park kids did in that [removed] episode... play until you become overweight and possess the intra-webz lexicon of the game to perfection. Or.... re prioritize what you consider "stopping CQ" is... I mean, if you can't beat…
  • The only thing that would be nice about a T.W. map reset is that you have more chance to farm the lvl 1-2-3 territory bosses... that would be... AWESOME! b:angry -Yours, Dr. Bean P.S.... it would be too easy now b:surrender
  • In most games where fashion is as diverse and as varied as this, you will have the fashion items as the most expensive items in the game., But since the producers of Perfect World like to use Microsoft Paint to design our C.S. clothing, we will just have to make due with the prices being cheap because it becomes an eye…
  • Game over b:surrender This is a glimpse of what happens when the game reaches a resolution as to what you do wit the wraith evil? -Yours, Dr. Bean
  • Just a thought to maybe snowball on.. but maybe a sorry gift the GMs could extend double XP to after the servers get a bandaid ? b:victory PLEASE ? I said it see? -PLEASE AGAIN, Dr. Bean